Irc Webchat

Thought the IRC channel had web-based chat but can’t find the loink. Nothing on and searching the board says there was a link on the Links page but there’s not, plus that post is many years old.

Am I missing something? Has it been removed? If so is it returning?

In the meantime, since the #renoise channel is on EsperNet, you could use their web client:

Cheers. Had just installed Irssi on recommendation of some geeky friends and at first glance it is far more tweeky geeky than I need! Used to use mIRC but know I’ve had other recommendations since.

Just thought it worth spamming the little competition in there to be honest. Should probably have done so before it started though…

On Linux? Then you use XChat for IRC.

Also, you can always use mibbit.

On Windows (although do also use Linux sometimes so something crossplatform always nice.)

Although with webclient and the only other IRC channel I ever use having its own mibbit webclient I don’t really see the need for one now…


Kazakore bud… Here’s a quick list I came up with. When I get home i’ll shoot ya the client I use, it’s lived up to what I need it for anyway. I got REAL sick of mIRC… a real waste of time that client is =P But like I said ill let ya know what I use when I get home and remember what it’s called. i KNOW it starts with an A lol! But for now here’s a few lists:

I dont know what system or platform your running but here;

and if your Windows based just skip that one and go stright here;

Hope this helps. Trillian worked well for me untill it became pay… now it sucks lol but its all your messengers (MSN, facebook, twitter fuck EVERYTHING) all in one little app. Worth it if you wanna shell out cash.



EDIT: Oh and of course this =D