Is breakcore over?

Genres elude me for some reason. I tend to make whatever i feel at the moment. Which as of lately…seems to be nada. lol Now noodling on the other hand…I am a pro. Occasionally it even turns into something that i can’t even put into a genre when asked upon uploading. So i just usually enter electronic. lol
Like i got no freaking idea what genre this is…but it is made with Renoise at least.

Asked a friend who is still heavily into breakcore that question. These are my picks from the things she mentioned.

Camellia Break The Silence takes this wonderful piece of music and fuses it with violent beats. Splendidly done!

kaitendaentai is quality breakcore.

To me this more of a mash-up / gabber infused thing rather than strictly breakcore, whatever that may mean.

This is not exactly breakcore either. But it does have breakbeats and is neat.
Epilepsy warning: This video has lots of flashing lights.


No, it’s not dead. Like punk, it just smells funny.



I use Renoise in many genres, but inside the idm-edm spectrum.
Lately i found out that it can also fit for Bulgarian Folk.


Do you know qebrus? I picked up the ᐔ ᐌ ᐂ ᐍ ᐚ EP the other day and that’s good stuff!

Apparently he died back in 2018, so not exactly new, new breakcore though I hadn’t heard any of his music before. In a way it reminds of a harsher, gnarlier and more abstract @slujr / Mr. Zensphere sound.

I’m not saying they are doing the same thing, not at all. Just that to my ears there are some similarities in their approach to sound design. It has that clarity that I so admire in Mr. Zensphere’s productions.


this is called flashcore. look it up, there is a lot of insane stuff


Thanks for the kind words :pray:
Dope track, too. Definitely dig these gnarly, wet, squelchy, dark and psychedelic vibes. Will have to listen to some qebrus :fire:

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Breakcore is Still Alive!

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I dont necessarily think breakcore will ever die in the coming years, time just moves on, you get new waves and artists every now and then and thats what makes it so fun. There will always be new sounds and guys, even if old sounds are gone, new ones will come and liven up the party. It will never be truly ¨over¨ and it will stay the way for years to come.


hmm, can one somehow sample the breakcore popularity curve from google and use for synth waveform?


Hah, that’s actually a funny idea. Could be done in Vital in the edit wavetable window :laughing:

This is what ive been making with renoise. since l built my new pc.


I use Renoise primarily to make rap, hip hop, jazz, and other afro-centric genres. For me Renoise is unmatched when it comes to making beats. It’s so fast, intuitive, and you in my opinion the DAW really opens up when you shift your focus away from chopping breaks all the time. I like to experiment a LOT and there’s so much untapped potential with this program its insane. Here’s an example of what you can do using the sequencer without any FX commands!

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I have been doing shit for 4 years and " breakcore " for 4 years. Have at least 6 hours of maybe listanable stuff from last 2 years-
(some laid back jungle techno melodic symphonic doom type breakcore, some speedcore/amen/noise/flash type)

  • might relase it eventually. Doing some generative japan style noise + distorted guitar/bass, gabber kicks, drums etc. currently, might make an eurovision pop song for a joke.
    So yeah,

Qebrus is cool, i remember listening to flashcore 5 years ago it was crazy.
I liked Atomhead / Erratic the most from flashcore, check out : Spiral field velocity! Must hear
Sorry, wrote this a month ago but somehow it was not posted. I wrote some rap instead of making pop.
@missfredawallace - that is a cool track. I like it. Digging the noise and vocals

@wonderblue nice laid back track. Good vibes. I think some lyrics would be cool like this: Sunny days are over, and i am hanging out with my sorrow… would you Send me just one flower, cuz i am going nowhere…idk. sent you one more flower, but i fear we are going nowhere

Peace yall.

My friend released her rather excellent New Nothing EP as a free download over on bandcamp.

This track from her EP is abstract, wild and beautifully introspective beakcore. Like the computer is being ripped apart by cosmic violence, lamenting its own demise.

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Just bought that EP, the last track reminds me of the excellent OST to Nier Automata. The rest is great too, thanks for sharing.

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That’s excellent Mirtazapine Dream, thanks!

It’s funny you mention Nier as she is currently working on a remix of those tracks for a compilation.

The vocal processing really put me in mind of it, its a great EP. I also now really wanna replay Neir Automata lol.

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I love the integrated sample editor, it’s practically replaced my audio editor. Of course other composition software has on-board editors, but none nearly as good for sample editing. The only time I ever use acoustica now is for the specialized restoration tools. And if Renoise ever gets ARA2 plugin support I’ll fully do all my editing in it. I have projects that don’t even use the sequencer at all they are purely sampling projects, it’s really nice to have it all in a nice neat package.