Ixy Ticks-On/ticks Off

New pattern command; though not-so-new to many.

Ixy : ticks-on/ticks off to add tick level complex volume gating.

I was excited to see tremolo implemented, but that wound up being a plain sine lfo amp, and not an adjustable pulse.

The key difference between this function and the volume slicer is that it will sustain beyond row/pattern boundaries.

Example -

At 6TPL, across eight rows, with a value of I6C, the gating would work like this:

00 C-4 I6C 0n
01 I6C 0ff
02 I6C 0ff
03 I6C 0n
04 I6C 0ff
05 I6C 0ff
06 I6C 0n
07 I6C 0ff
08 I6C 0ff

Sure, this could be done with volume commads, but when working at finer resolutions; example at 6TPL:

00 C-4 I36 0n for 1/2 row, off for 1/2 row
01 I36 0ff for 1/2 row, on for 1/2 row
02 I36 Off for 1 row
03 I36 0n for 1/2 row, off for 1/2 row
04 I36 0ff for 1/2 row, on for 1/2 row
05 I36 Off for 1 row
06 I36 0n for 1/2 row, off for 1/2 row
07 I36 0ff for 1/2 row, on for 1/2 row
08 I36 Off for 1 row

In older trackers, this effect command was not capable of calculating the on/off value consistently between when you started playback from the beginning of a song or from the middle of a pattern, but I assume tremolo and other relevant pattern effects don’t either. Also, as a matter of taste, I’m not sure what level of volume ramping people would prefer with this. It should be so bass notes don’t wind up clicking, but the gating should remain sharp.

There are numerous previous posts on this topic if you search for ‘tremor’


(Thanks to kazakore!!; I previously wrote LPB where I meant TPL)

You mean Ticks=6, not LPB, in those two examples don’t you? LPB should make no difference as your xy values refer to ticks.