Jump To Next/prev Position - Keymap Option

I should precede the following by saying RNS1.8 kicks ass… some seriously good coding work here.

However there’s a missing keymap option I’d like to complain about.

If there’s one thing I do more than anything else in Renoise, it’s navigate up and down in my pattern sequence to add or tweak things into place. Unfortunately with 1.8, you have to highlight the transport section to go up and down in your sequence. I find this really annoying having worked with FT1, then FT2 and Renoise all this time, and being able to do this from any screen I happen to be editing.

I would very much appreciate if the devs could make a “Jump to next position” and “Jump to previous position” keymap option in the Global section, Transport subsection, so that it’s available regardless of the active editing window.

Much thanks,

I also miss this one, but I use to press F8 to keep focus on pattern editor to be able to do this. When I’ve done, I press F8 again to set the free focus again