June the 21st????

Tanks for the congrats, and sorry that we cannot give you more than this news today, but hey : Renoise should get presents today and not the opposite way around :)
We worked hard the last days and nights to finish the 1.27 release wich will have tons of smaller improvements that will make your live with renoise easier. I didnt managed to finish it in time as something unecpected happened wich has cost me time. Sorry for that. The alpha version is already out to the testers and I only need to finish one feature (notecolumn muting) to bring out the relase, so you can expect it the next days.
And no, we were not lazy, we just needed more time this way to prepare the big features for the 1.3 release :)

yeah, btw, 1.27 is gonna be my favorite version, it’s nice and it’s without pianoroll :)

The piano roll will STILL be a button you don’t have to press…

gash, I missed the big day! So I have to say congrats in arrears :)

hopefully 1.27 has ogg/mp3 sample compression. my sample libary is starting to push 10gbs :\

mmmm sorry missed it. Congratulations renoise team.

Keep up the good work!!!


my computer have to waste memory for the code of pianoroll, and developers has ruined a lot of time for that toy :)

zed, you start to piss me off. honestly.


i like to pretend he’s sort of joking, then it’s just funny ^_^

Nice idea but why compress (and same time lower quality)
10gb ain’t so much. If I put my whole sample library on the HD I have almost 20gb, and I still don’t have all I would like to have though :stuck_out_tongue:
Usually I have samples at HD around 15Gb (90% bought & legal for commercial use too) :slight_smile:

However Reading MP3 format to renoise as sample would be damn nice improvement!! :wub: :rolleyes:

hey, don’t take me too seriously. i bet i’m pissing off taktik much more these days :)

p.s. renoise 1.27 read mp3 already, no worries.

well mp3 compression is important for me at least. i only have about 15gbs to work with so i usually end up deleting samples i dont like. if i could compress them @ 192 or even higher my 10gb libary would probally be 1/3 the size. i like that.

use ogg gt3 codec to get best compressing quality… http://users.pandora.be/sjeng/
you can check the quality with extra low bitrate at http://users.pandora.be/sjeng/floggy.html page, i bet you’ll be surprised.

supporting lossless compression (RAR multimedia, Monkeys Audio) would be a much better idea.

But maybe I’ve had it too late :)

I agree. For storing your sample library this is the way to go. I think however import of OGG and MP3 would be good for remixes etc.

:unsure: mwwww awwwww cannot say…

it´s emberassing… I just stumbled over this thread and saw I forgot to gratulate :(

umm…h HhH… !Happy Birthday Renoise! :drummer:

(afterwards :rolleyes: )

Hehe, I saw it suddenly too… Old topic’s getting renewed again! :)