I tried to replicate it with a different drum kit just to see if the same thing would happen but it didn’t?
The notes on each of the three tracks are all playing separately, never together at the same time.
Renoise will try to makes things work by switching the instrument’s output to whichever track appears to currently have the main focus.
In this particular example Renoise is able to switch the instrument’s output from track 1, to 2, to 3, just in time for each note to play more or less correctly.
Try playing notes on all 3 tracks at the same time and you’ll see it immediately fails.
As I mentioned before, the reason for this is the DSP chain essentially forces/mixes the output of the entire instrument down to a single audio stream, meaning we can only route it to a single track at any given time.
Let’s say your instrument DSP chain has a ton of reverb on it, and you’re playing a kick, snare, high hat, etc., all at once.
You have the kick on track 1, the snare on track 2, and so on.
The output from the instrument is just a mess of reverb coming from all the sounds in your drum kit, so there’s no way for us to separate that and then split it between all the different tracks.
This limitation doesn’t apply to instruments without DSP chains, because internally it’s very easy for us to simply route the raw sample to another track.
But once you start processing the samples with DSP, then these limitations take effect, and you need to start thinking more carefully about the exact routing of each sound.
You can still have instruments with DSP chains and then route each chain directly to a unique track, you just need to be aware of the limitations and kinda plan for it from the start.