launch groove machine on demand ?

Hi there !
I think it must be a very basic thing, but I cannot find a way to do it… Let’s assume I’m using a VSTI groove box (like groove agent or such), whose interface contains a “play / stop” button. When I launch the VSTI’s interface in renoise, the BPM setting of the VSTI is in sync with renoise BPM setting, which is fine. The groove box containing many presets, I can launch from there as many different grooves as I want to.
In “live” mode, it’s just fine.
But if I want to use it in my step-by-step composition, when playing with the keyboard, each key just plays each separate sound of the drumkit used in the chosen preset… How can I tell renoise to launch the VSTI at this or that moment, launch the preprogrammed groove, then tell it to stop ?
I hope my request is clear enough, but id it’s not feel free to ask for precisions ;)

Thanks for your kind help !

OK, nevermind, I found the solution (DSP / inst automation…) ;)
Cya !