Less Analytical, More 'creative' Mindset

Funny guy, programming is a creative endeavour too. But with a name like “Drop Shadow”, it’s obvious you rely on cheap technical tricks

I have to say I do know where you’re coming from. More and more I find myself realizing I’m much more an engineer than an artist and often find it hard to get into the groove to be “creative” these days. Still enjoy DJing and putting on parties and can generally be quite good as a facilitator between people who might have a similar(ish) artistic ideas. But actually doing my own thing I often drown in the technicalities. The thing to do is learn to be happy with that and I’m sure spontaneous moments of creativity will always come your way, whether they be in an artistic manner or a way to solve a long-standing problem nobody has thought of before.

Not an advise, but some thoughts on the matter…

Analysis is, in other words, observing someone, someplace, or something.

Creative by a broad definition, is making decision based on analysis.

Plenty of examples that can easily get pornographic, violent, or sublime.

Personally at this day and age, I would categorize applied music in two worlds. Theory and Signal Flow.

Theory, for me is like water and Signal Flow is the container that holds the water.

Theory, is paper and pencil, blueprints, which means I should be able to apply that theory to different containers or Signal Flows.

I can see how Signal Flows and emerging technologies has a creeping hindrance to finishing something, but that’s the idea that’s asking to be accepted.

Music Theory is so old, arguably dating back to paleolithic times, that its pretty much all said and done.

A lot of the methods and techniques have been documented. Whereas, Signal Flows are almost in a constant state of flux. Yin and Yang.

Some more additional thoughts better exemplified as videos…

Pixel Documentary, how much information do you really need ? HD vs 8bit, that sort of pondering.

Counterpoint Music and Counterpoint Boxing…

Steps to Kicking ass, Affect Control Theory, that sort of pondering.


:) really good idea. This does work well too.

really important realization for me was that inspiration, true inspiration, is either incredibly rare, or in fact non-existent (in its television/romance form). so on to answering your questions with this premise.

I seem to get “distracted”: you’re mind is following what you find most interesting and entertaining; this is actually what I would call genuine focus! there’s no reason to fight this, since I believe I’m safely assuming you’re enjoying yourself in some way when doing this.

I get stuck in the analytical mindset: this is certainly something i think happens. this almost always stems from a perfectionist approach to your composition process. you begin with a concept in mind, and 100%, without fail, whatever you’re making doesn’t sound like you had intended. why you ask? you’re pitting a very honest and pure idealism against what’s actually real and in front of you; the longer you hack away at this process, the more separate your creation becomes from your idealized intent. why this isn’t a bad thing: what you’ve made is still your work, and your frustration only arises from these comparisons. the only thing you have to “do” in this case, which is definitely a personal learning process, is to pay attention to the thoughts that jump into your mind each second. a rabbit is jumping past your window, and you’re common approach is to treat it like it’s interrupting both you and “your process”; in reality, you don’t “have” a “process”, you are the process. go play with the rabbit :)

if this metaphor and premise is non-intuitive, there is a less poetic solution: settle. “this sounds good, but I want to keep at it until it’s perfect”, once you catch yourself thinking that, it’s time to add something new. you have to force yourself away from the possibly more entertaining “tweaking” to the more productive “producing”. (1) this is your goal if you want it. (2) you will never make something “perfect” or exactly what’s in your mind. you’re not copying music from your head, you’re engaged in a highly dynamic creative back-and-forth with your environment. you’re having a conversation, not giving a speech.

enjoy making some tunes :D

wanted to comment on this.

the world is inherently meaningless, and it can be immensely enriching to take this very seriously. with art, you can create meaning where there is none, but… the world is inherently meaningless. while you can create personal meaning in your life, it’s a massive task to try to create meaning in percussion and melody. while certain chords and patterns are mathematically pure, and some melodies or sounds are given meaning culturally, this meaning simply does not exist objectively. artistic “meaning” (in a language or communicative sense) necessitates context. realizing the “absurd-yet-real” relationship with creativity is an alternative composition method. recognize the fruitless and time-consuming tinkering you’re trying to discard; chances are they have a significant relationship with cultural context. as the poet can go mad through his crippling dependence on semantics and syntax, so can musicians and every other artist. I’m not suggesting you recognize your artistic potential through writing in a made-up language with your feces; it’s highly probable somebody has already done this (and called themselves an artist).

moderately, try ignoring larger themes of your context while composing.

summing up this post in the words of any phish fan: “just like go with the flow. but not like WITH IT. AGAINST it, but like, with it”

I can see an attempt here in this point to incorporate a sort of useful relativity here, but to me the point seems confused. Talk of the world being inherently meaningless, using absolute objectivity as the ruling principle, seems to lead to a point of view that suffers from black and white nihilistic thinking. Relegating meaning to be subjective (e.g. personal and cultural) seems not add up to the ruling made that ‘the world is meaningless’. Surely there’s room for perspective, contextual, and degree of relative meaning being meaningful? If so, then meaning has a value on a complex scale, and however fuzzy it may be it shows a world (or reality) that has meaning.

Or here’s another way to look at it: just because it is observable that there are shades of grey doesn’t mean that the effort should be given up in trying to understand the bearing of meaning for the whole (e.g. the world). Perspective thinking can lead to increasingly more refined comprehension of the world that can observe the processing of meaning operating in a complex system. It is an approach to objectivity - that’s important to aspire to and it is meaningful for the whole world. Saying the world is meaningless quietly opens the back door to nihilism which at best toxically tinges the edges of thinking and action - and at worst it leads to outright unhelpful chaos. Compassion and refined thinking are no mere coincidences: without them we have no chance at effective stewardship and helpful human relations. We may get frustrated with meaning’s immediate subjective nature - but step back a bit and look bigger picture. Never say ‘I have enough facts now to write this whole thing off’ in frustration, because the learning never stops.

It may be more resonant to state for the sake of making music that: the world has a very special meaning. We may not have a 100% clear picture of that meaning, but that’s ok and engaging with that learning is much better than not engaging. As we journey toward objectivity little clues are apprehended along the way, and these clues have resonance. They lift up the heart. They refine the mind. That’s inspiration. And we are the harvesters of inspiration. Our job is to take that inspiration and bring it down into the corse form of music. Meaning exists, and music is our meaningful documentation of our engagement with meaning.

Some of us have too much mind at work and not enough heart. There needs to be a balance. Too much heart can lead to sloppy passion of any colour. Too much mind leads to cold posturing or worse no activity at all. Observe what is lacking and then align everything in your life to reignite what is aspired to.
