Lfo Reset No Longer Automates When Right Clicked?

hey guys, 2.5 is looking brilliant, great work.

Just one thing that i have noticed, previously, if I wanted an LFO to reset in a certain place, I could scroll to that point, right click ‘reset’ and the pattern effect would appear automatically. Looks like this has been removed in 2.5 (the pattern effect ‘hint’ still appears in the status bar though)

Would be good to have it back rather than typing in the code every time.

The right-click functionality is working normally here in 2.5.0 b2

Something just occurred to me…

Make sure you have this option set to record to pattern commands, rather than automation envelopes. The LFO reset function cannot be triggered via automation, so in this case it might seem like nothing at all is happening.

Hmmm… interesting, I am using b2 (never tried it with 1) but nope, nothing happens for me.
Actually, i’ve been noticing my LFOs have been doing a couple of odd things since getting 2.5, e.g. changing what track/device they link to by themselves… and since posting i left renoise in the background, and when i went back my gentle sine wave had mysteriously changed to a very rapid random wave.

Sorry just realised, yes mine was set to envelopes rather than pattern commands. Well spotted!