hey, how do i get the line in device from creating the delay?
…delay as in repeating sound comng out.
i had renoise working really well as an effect processor in linux quite awhile ago but i’m on windows right now is it that windows is retarded?
i have a bass guitar going in through the line in on an onboard soundcard.
and the line-in in the volume manager win32 thing, if i set that to nothing nothing goes through renoise. if i turn the line-in device in renoise off i still get sound.
oh well never mind i’m putting the bass guitar back in the case.
Make sure, your sound card doesn’t route output back to input. When using mixer, see that the “tape in” where your computer is plugged doesn’t get routed back to “record out”. What else can I recommend, never seen anything like that.
I think this is soundcard specific. I have a mic port on my breakout box with a potmeter to control the in-gain of the mic. If i turn it up, i can hear noise on my speakers, but if i don’t select the mic channel for recording, the audio does not get recorded simply because the potmeter controls the analog gain and not the digital gain.
Do you have analog volume controls on your audiocard?