Link Param Metadevices

Earlier i asked if a renoise script language would be possible. I realise that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

So as a halfassed solution, i propose this:

Two new metadevices, *Fader and *LinkOps

*Fader is a set of 4 namable faders that don’t do anything at all until paired with…

*LinkOps, which is a device that takes two devices and parameters (for instance LoFiMat/Wet out and Filter2/Cutoff) and links them in a from-to fashion. In the link process, the values will have to be converted from a to b somehow, so in the same operation you could apply simple math, such as division, multiplication and inversion, or simply pass through.

Details details:

From (device position in chain), Parameter (number)
To (device position in chain), Parameter (number)
Min, Max, OldMin, OldMax (unit conversion matrix, for instance 0-50 on the Fromdevice would convert to 50-100 on the Todevice)
MathOp (listbox; divide, multiply, invert, none)
Value (number by which mathOp is applied to the From value)

All device parameters are treated in percentage values, ie 0-100% for simplicity.

Ideally you could have more than one “page” per device to allow for multiple connections without having to create more devices.

Used in tandem with the *Fader, you could set up a single automation curve that controls whole sets of DSP sliders, so for instance if you wanted the cutoff to go down when you push the resonance up, you could set that up fairly quickly. You could also set it up so that the resonance wouldn’t go beyond 50%

Any thoughts on this?

I agree very much.
Lots of cool stuff you can do with this. Not just fx but also in the vsti/rni structure.

Sounds wicked.

I’ve been hoping for a way to control several sliders with one midi-knob, would be great for performing live

dby : yeah, I wait for that too.


;) To me this still sounds golden


Wouldn’t be that bad to implement, I don’t think, and would be a wicked stopgap solution until we have scripting. ; )

Yes indeed, let’s ave some of that.

I proposed a LinkDevice in the past:

  • Source Parameter
  • Destination Parameter
  • Multiplier (range ]0…1])

this could let you modulate a parameter through another

Or even better range -2…2 or similar. And an offset slider.

Offset slider, inverter slider, several logaritmic sliders, divisors, etc. Let there be math!

Yeah, that would be soo awsome :yeah: