Link (Sample)Instrument To Track

Small suggestion, but could hopefully prove to be very handy:

  • Link instrument to track

By linking an instrument to a track, everytime you go to that
track, the instrument its linked to is also automatically selected.
Since I often use only one instrument per track (and I doubt I’m
alone in this), scrolling through instruments won’t be necessary
as often as now. Wow, explaining is hard!

So ‘track 1 drums’ linked to instrument ‘03 drumsample’ means that
everytime you go to ‘track 1 drums’, the ‘03 drumsample’ instrument
is selected.

Watchoo say, sai?

since you use only one instrument per track, the “autocapture nearest instrument” should already perform this trick for you, shouldn’t it?

what does not work with it?

Renoise: something new every day!

Thanks It-Alien!

In case you dont want to deal with the mouse or auto-capture: “Shift + Return” will capture the “nearest” instrument manually.

A nice PayOff, for marketing stuff  :D

yeah thanx!

This is gonna improve my workflow :D:smiley:

thanx this will also improve my workflow :drummer: