Linux: LADSPA pitch shifter causing crackles

Some weird things I encountered when making Mutant Breaks entry:


Is it so that if I have some instrument effects on sample-set, you can’t play them on multiple channels? I have same djembe instrument on track 1 and 2, and subsamples that have effects seems to be crunhced on track 2. Like effect section can’t decide which is ‘current track’.


I have “rubberband mono pitch shifter” ladspa on track 1 and 2 set to different octaves. Since they seemed to cause different delay I set track 1 to -60ms and track 2 to -40ms. This syncs with amenbreak but then I noticed that channel called ‘LFO’ is out of rhythm (LFO channel should stutter on beat).

I try to turn on “automatic plugin delay compensation”, setting track delays to 0 ms, amenbreak is in beat, ‘LFO’ channel is not, and now I hear crackles always when pitch shifter changes one semitone.

I am not sure is this bug in Renoise or is it in LADSPA plugin, but I have the feeling that LFO stutter is not moving along the delays

using jack, laptop is acer E5-551, built in soundcard, Renoise 3.1 rc2

6472 Weird.xrns

forgot to attach sample file

OK. trouble 1. solved, I should reread the manual :blush:

"Renoise only: Much like plugins, instruments that make use of sample FX Chains can only be played in a single track at a time."

There’s indeed a problem with PDC and the LFO’s bypass automation. Will fix that.
As a workaround in your song, leave the LFO enabled all the time and control the LFO’s output via the “Amount” parameter only.