Lpad (Launchpad Clone for iPad Lemur)

Hey all, apologies if this is the wrong place to post this

Just recently someone by the name of WUL WUL released a Launchpad clone for Lemur. You can find it here. http://liine.net/en/community/user-library/view/332/
Apparently it works with Live but I’m getting an error when trying to use it with Renoise. Hopefully one of you gurus can help get it working. I’m using LoopBe Midi to create the midi loop and lemur daemon to connect it to the iPad running the Lpad template. I load up Launchpad in Duplex and set the in and out to LoopBe Midi. Keyboard in duplex for launchpad seems to work. When I attempt to run gridpie I get this error:

'C:\Users\tim\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V2.8.0\Scripts\Tools\com.renoise.Duplex.xrnx\main.lua' failed in one of its notifiers.  
The notifier will be disabled to prevent further errors.  
Please contact the author (danoise [bjorn.nesby@googlemail.com]) for assistance...  
std::logic_error: 'invalid sequence_pos index '3'. valid values are (1 to 2).'  
stack traceback:  
 [C]: in function 'pattern'  
 .\Duplex/Applications/GridPie.lua:2704: in function 'assign_to_slot'  
 .\Duplex/Applications/GridPie.lua:2621: in function 'on_press'  
 .\Duplex/UIButton.lua:91: in function <.><br>
  (tail call): ?<br>
  .\Duplex/MessageStream.lua:363: in function '_handle_events'<br>
  .\Duplex/MessageStream.lua:335: in function '_handle_or_pass'<br>
  .\Duplex/MessageStream.lua:277: in function 'input_message'<br>
  .\Duplex/Device.lua:591: in function '_send_message'<br>
  .\Duplex/MidiDevice.lua:214: in function <.><br>

and this:<br>

```<br>'C:\Users\tim\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V2.8.0\Scripts\Tools\com.renoise.Duplex.xrnx\main.lua' failed in one of its notifiers.<br>
The notifier will be disabled to prevent further errors.<br>
Please contact the author (danoise [bjorn.nesby@googlemail.com]) for assistance...<br>
std::logic_error: 'invalid sequence_pos index '3'. valid values are (1 to 2).'<br>
stack traceback:<br>
  [C]: in function 'pattern'<br>
  .\Duplex/Applications/GridPie.lua:2704: in function 'assign_to_slot'<br>
  .\Duplex/Applications/GridPie.lua:2556: in function <.><br>
  (tail call): ?<br>
  (tail call): ?<br>
  .\Duplex/MessageStream.lua:89: in function 'on_idle'<br>
  .\Duplex/Browser.lua:2030: in function 'on_idle'<br>
  .\Duplex/Browser.lua:183: in function 'on_idle'<br>
  main.lua:276: in function <274><br>

Certain things work partially... Like keyboards arrow keys and other things.<br>
Is there someway we can make this work like a launchpad correctly in Renoise? That would be WONDERFUL. I have already gotten both lemur and TouchOSC to work correctly as a monome in renoise, But it would be really nice to have lemur work as Launchpad too!</274></.></.></.>
std::logic_error: 'invalid sequence_pos index '3'. valid values are (1 to 2).'  

This line represents the last piece of code that got executed before things broke (both errors are the same).

Did you simply run GridPie and then receive this error, or did you have to press something first?
If you needed to press something, which button?

Thanks for the quick reply!
I pressed a button on my ipad, the top left button of the 8x8 grid. Do you have an iPad with Lemur? The setup instruction from the template page:

LPad, the Abelton Live Launchpad emulator for Lemur, the template reacts exactly the same as the hardware version with a few extras .   
Select either the launchpad or launchpad85 remote script in the ableton>options>preferences then select your normal lemur ins and outs that are assigned to midi0 in the deamon   
Also setup a pair of in and outs for midi1 and assign the input in abelton to tack and remote, doesn’t matter about the output at the moment so leave it clear   
Also set mouse and keyboard in lemur daemon to kbd1 if this could easily be changed in the lemur editor if desired , navigate to the lp_hand container and change the expression keyboard_target accordingly.   
I have colourized the Drummap on user1 and added some velocity options on the rhs buttons   
Also added via the button+/- are 2 banks of 4 buttons for Transport and window management, the transport will require to be mapped in abelton in the usual way , the window management will work without being mapped   
(note, the drummap and transport additions are the reason that midi1 needs to be configured)   
So if they are not working check that midi1 is enabled   
One issue still to be resolved is within the launchpad85 remote script device controller page, when lowering a parameter 2 pad presses are required the problem lies with the remote script not the template or lemur, also the precision option on the device controller page doesn’t work neither does it on the hardware either   

Not sure how this might translate to renoise…

bump. It would be nice to know if this is possible, or if I should just give up and stick with the crappy monome emulators.