LPB Tool to convert from 4 to 8

Please say this is possible! I’m working on a track at 4 LPB but now feel like I need a greater resolution. Is there a way to convert it to 8 LPB without totally fucking up all the notes???

I’m too far in to start again and I donthave 2 hours to re-align everything

send help

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After changing LPB to 8, click on “Expand” in the advanced settings on the right.

WOAH!!! I’ve never seen this function, it works!!

Also worth saying that the pattern length should be doubled after pressing expand otherwise you lose half of it.

THANKS! Thatsgoing to make my track much better

Also worth saying that the pattern length should be doubled after pressing expand otherwise you lose half of it.

Good point!

Check out this tool:


It automatically expands a song to whatever multiple you set in the tool gui (if not exceeding the 512 pattern length limit).

fantastic, thanks

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