It seems when you try to swap two sub groups within a group, if the first sub group is at the left border, one of the groups gets thrown out of the main group.
In the following example we are swapping Grp 1 with Grp 2. You would expect Grp 2 to remain in the Main Group, but it gets ejected:
(note: it works fine if Grp 1 is just a single track and not a sub-group)
In the middle of a hugely convoluted work-around for this on a script at the moment. It should work but at the expense of efficiency.
In fact the swap function was already part of a workaround itself until I hit the bug I’m extending the left-hand edge of groups to incorporate the next-left-track. As the current add_track_to_group() method adds to the rightmost position in the group you have to swap the new track all the way back along the group track-by-track to preserve order. Then I hit this bug, so now I am removing all member tracks from group and then re-adding them in reverse order. Needs some extra arithmetic for the indexes as if the new track to add is a group itself, you are adding more than one extra index to the group, so not as simple as it first sounds…
Would be great if there was an optional member_index to specify the position within the group to add a track. So if you wanted to add a new track as first member of group, member_index = 1
Adding a workaround for the workaround is the moment you should stop and think…
Will this work once the issue is fixed? And will I even understand what I’m doing in 3 months time?
Too late, I`m committed now!
copious comments will be necessary!
If the bug is fixed, it can all get tidied up a bit anyway…
Hm, I would probably just use tracks then. You are able compute this stuff manually too?
(those nice little touches are what I like to add to xLib ^_^)
Not sure what you mean? “I would probably just use tracks then.”
What I meant was, is it not possible for you to just insert a new track anywhere?
The index decides should if it’s part of a group or not.
To put an already present track (in this case left of the group). You seem to have to use:, index2)
Which ejects the track already in the group. A possible workaround could be to duplicate the track already in the group then delete the extra one that is ejected. I will have to look into that as it could be best work-around yet!
Which has the problem of adding at the right all the time.
Insert track that you mention:
Only inserts a new empty track. It will only insert at second position forward in the group aswell (member no. 2 onwards), so you are back possibly to the swap bug if a sub-group is at member 1 (scenario needs double checking). However I am still needing to insert an already present track anyway.
This could also be a work-around similar to above. If it`s not effected by the swap bug though:
-Add dummy track at member 2
-Swap with member 1
-Swap dummy track with new track that is left of the group
@Ledger, This seemed like a real headache. Short story (like you said):
Anything added to a group will be placed far right
If a group is part of a swap with what’s far left, the track will slide out of the parent group.
However, I think I found a slightly simpler workaround than “re-creating” the group structure. To make a swap with what’s far left:
Insert an empty group to the parent group.
Use to add the obnoxious track to the new group
Use the same function again to move the group to the parent group
Delete the temporary group.
A shuffle should have taken place.
EDIT: I saw that you’re probably on it now.
EDIT2: To simplify the code and make it work in all cases, I think it’s probably best to do a bubble-sort-esque thing with the dummy group far right - iterating starting from the track you finally want far left.
and here`s the magic function, just pass in the group index of the group that you want to nudge left:
It required juggling two blank “dummy tracks” to get around the swapping problems stated in this thread.
--extend left border of group leftwards by one track
function extend_group_left(group_index)
local song =
local group_track = song:track(group_index)
--get the index of the track to the left of the group. This is the track we want to add to the group
local left_of_grp_idx = (group_index - #group_track.members - 1)
--if left_of_grp_idx == 0 then there are no more tracks to the left so return early
if left_of_grp_idx == 0 then
--if group has no members already, then it is a simple add track to group operation and
--no re-organisation is needed
if #group_track.members == 0 then
--1) Add 2 dummy tracks into group
--NOTE We need to insert 2 dummy tracks to account for bugs with the renoise swap tracks behaviour within groups
--set member_idx to the first member track of the group
local member_idx = left_of_grp_idx + 1
--loop group members to find insert point for dummy tracks (after first legitimate member; i.e. not a track in a further sub-group)
for i = 1,#group_track.members do
--check if member is not in a sub group by checking its parent
if rawequal(song:track(member_idx).group_parent,group_track) == true then
--if here then member was in a sub- group so increment member_idx until we get to a legitimate track
member_idx = member_idx + 1
--again due to insert_track behaviour we need to insert the dummy tracks after the first present and legitimate member of the group
--so + 1
local insert_point = member_idx + 1
--insert 2 dummy tracks at member_idx
local dummy_trk_2 = song:insert_track_at(insert_point)
local dummy_trk_1 = song:insert_track_at(insert_point)
--name the tracks for bug hunting i.e. if they are not deleted we will see them in pattern ed = "Dummy Track 1" = "Dummy Track 2"
--2) Swap Dummy tracks to members 1 and 2 of group (this works re. the swap bug as we are not swapping two groups)
--3) Preparation done, so bring the track we want into the group
--Swap dummy member 2 with target track outside group (left_of_grp_idx was found near beginning of function)
--note: if we were to swap dummy member 1 then both tracks get ejected from group
song:swap_tracks_at(left_of_grp_idx,(left_of_grp_idx + 2))
--4) Tidy up: delete dummy tracks by looping objects
--(as we are deleting tracks it is safer to loop and find the dummy track objects specifically as
--we might lose wanted song tracks if we were calculating indexes and a mistake made)
--As indexes can change when a track is deleted, it is simpler to use 2 loops
for i = 1,#song.tracks do
if rawequal(song:track(i),dummy_trk_1) then
--delete dummy 1
for i = 1,#song.tracks do
if rawequal(song:track(i),dummy_trk_2) then
--delete dummy 2
Worth pointing out aswell another issue (maybe annoyance) with renoise group track dragging behaviour:
In the following situation you can`t drag track 1 into Grp 2 as the first member. You have to drag it behind Grp 1 to become the second member and then swap 1 with Grp 1 with another drag.
Not sure if by design or accidental omission? but it would be more comfortable if you could just drag it in one go.