I have some “Beginnerquestions”.
I go forward to script a tool in Lua for Live-Mixing. With this tool i want to control a whole bunch of functions in renoise.
My questions to get this tool to work
Is it possible to create a complete new Track edit Patterns (notes, fxlines, timeline, play, stop …)
Can i manage the effects for each track?
Is there a way to edit instruments?
can i use the bcr2000 without mapping (just communicating with the luascript)?
Thanks a lot for your help. This tool would be the main reason to get in Lua
this question is actually not very clear to me. If I got what you mean, with LUA you can add patterns to the song, tracks to the patterns, columns to the tracks and change BPM
you can add effects and change their values
not all the parameters acre currently editable, but some are
it really depends on what you actually want to do. I can’t answer to such generic question
This is what i need.
Is there also a way to set/edit these notes and the effect column (for setting in example an apreggiator or a retrigger “0E03”)
Hope the loop of an instrument (or sample) can edit ^^
Thats helpful. Thanks.
Yes I can code(Python, a lil bit of C, some pieces of Assembler(PIC) …). I am just new in Lua (Also in scripting for Renoise). I think there is a lot of capability in this way. For such scripting I tried to use puredata, but i think its more effective to use renoise instead.
This tool is an idea to get a sound or a songidea interactively and live to the crowd.
EDIT: These are just generic snippets, they don’t necessarily answer your questions, but will point you in the right direction. The API docs has everything you will need: