Mac Osx And Windows Vst

Hi there,

until now i used the windows version of renoise but i now want to use the mac version too.
Many of my songs created with the win version use VSTs which do not run under mac OS…
So does anyone know if there is a possibility to solve this problem? perhaps there is a magical “host-all-windows-vst-on-mac-plugin” :)
I got Parallels 3.0, so i could run renoise in a virtual windows machine, but that is not very effective…

I’m wondering the exact same thing as I’m soon switching to mac os X.

I don’t think it exists but it would be nice…

I guess the solution is to use renoise on both windows and mac os.

There is no solution as far as I know.

I switched from Win to OSX a while back and sayd goodbye to my VST’s.
It’s still so worth it to switch, even though the plugin quantity is about
to drop dramatically on the switch.

thanks for your replies…
it’s a pity, some of the windows only vsts are really nice.
but nevertheless i’m deeply impressed about vst performance on mac osx!

i retract this statement…

hmm, another bug on mac os or did i misunderstood it:
renoise reports processor usage about 2 percent whereas “top” displays about 13 percent.
with some cpu consuming vst renoise reports about 18 percent cpu whereas “top” displays 112 percent (?)…

can someone explain it?

Renoise only shows/reports the CPU usage that is needed to calculate the sound itself. The GUI and stuff of Renoise and the VST editors may use way more CPU.

Technically running win VSTs on OSX is, according to what I’ve read from some developer, next to impossible. So no, there is not and most likely won’t.

I’ve heard there is a buggy program that does run your pluggins on parallels, if you run your program on OSX.
But I never founded the program :S.
(search some forums and you’ll find the thread.

My advice is: render all stuff on windows.
And start from zero on osx.
The few free vsti’s on mac can be found here .

Note: The less vts’s you have the more you can explore them, and it makes you much more creative!!

You can install windows on x86 mac for dual boot you know. Or use boot camp to have the time to do the transition. And, as previous poster said, you really don’t need gazillion of vst’s, just find ones you like and stick to those. But I’ve really not managed to find Synth1 or Kjaerhus Classic series replacements on OSX.