Mac Users With Ntfs Hd's Please Read

sheeeesh… so you switched from a windows platform to a mac in order to gain stability and ended up with data corruption and problems over problems.
a friend of mine recently got a mac book pro, since it’s so hip to have this overpriced hardware and of course everything is way better than it is on windows PC etc etc…
you can’t imagine how unhappy he is right now, because he just realized how little of the desirable software i am using here is available for his mac.
it feels so crippled… and everytime this happens i wonder “WHY?” … i stopped asking him, because i feel he meanwhile also regrets his decision.

i mean… there certainly are a couple of reasons for why a mac is cool… but stability isn’t one of them and even though i’m praying and preaching this since years, here it goes again:
if a windows PC isn’t stable, it’s for 99% of the time the guy sitting in front of it that causes the issues. a malconfigured PC, be it hardare or software-wise, cannot perform well and stable.
i know it’s still trendy bashing microsoft and jokes about bill are everyone’s joy… but actually, the whole thing is a cliché build up from emotional leftovers and problems of the time prior to NT-Kernel based windows OS.
now that might sound like a MS-fanboy’s writing, but in my world, changes have to make sense in terms of improvement or any other gain of whatever kind… and especially when from a computer-musicians point of view, i simply don’t get it… unless you’re hooked on logic, but i guess that’s not the case.

sorry for this rant, couldnt help it after reading your story.
anyway… didn’t want to leave you with at least a brief moment of on-topic content:…&hl=samples