Mash Up uses

mossby asked me about Mash Up, so this is what I sent him:

Hi mossby,

read your message, next time please use the “send me a message” link on the left of my profile :D/>
I don’t understand how you can be unsure of what’s in the field by default, but have you tried it? Ok so in the text field there should go a formula. Mash Up first chops an original sample in “grains” number of equal parts, or uses the slice markers if you have them in your instrument. Then, using the formula, it takes grains and places them after eachother in a new, ‘mashed up’ sample. The default says ‘rnd(N)’ which means it will take a random slice from the chops/grains every time. If you replace that formula with just ‘X’, with the rest left to defaults, you get the original sample copied. If you enter ‘flr(X/2)+1’, and take ‘times’ variable double the size of the ‘grains’ variable, you will end up with a stuttered version of original waveform, every grain simply repeated two times. This can sometimes be a source of a really cool distortion sound. I have just uploaded a new version in which I fixed a bug where if you used slices mode the resulting sample would always get root note A-0. The formula field has lots of possibilities so it’s difficult to explain all of it in a message like this. I would like to address a forum thread to this and start off with my most used formula for drumbreaks: X+flr(bi(3*rnd())+.5)-1 will run through the breakbeat but have some random hits added :)/>

grtz Cas