i have max msp 5 but since i have renoise i use just sometimes what’s your use of max msp with renoise?
I used max/msp from 4 onwards and upgraded to 5…but was totally outraged when they went and made everything ABLETON-only and removed VST making!
The combination has great potential, but the downside to Max/MSP is that it eats time. I use it fleetingly for sending and receiving custom midi signals only.
I used it a few times with an arduino and some computer parts. Used a computer fan to control an LFO in a dubstep track I made in Renoise through OSC. It’s fun but it was to much hastle imo (read: I suck at being consistent with linking different programs and hardware together)
For me, Max is whatever you want it to be. If you have an idea almost anything is possible - that`s why I started using it. This is a great example: simple, solid and just what I needed.
Ah! who needs a consistent setup anyway?!
me i want to make an euclidean sequencer but for now i try to understand how euclidean sequencer works lol
Here is my latest project for Max/MSP and Renoise: ERGO
The X and Y axis on the joystick send midi cc messages to Renoise. Each time a button is held a different cc value is sent, making up to 16 cc changes at any one time! All the data is recorded into track automation.
The arrow buttons on the top of the stick toggle playback, recording and looping, so you can form a track in the moment
and record everything just using the joystick.
Each CC is hooked up to a hydra; which then goes to an XY pad to monitor all the data. There is also a configuration mode which sends only one cc value at a time.
All I need now is a way to toggle effects using midi…
oh it’s really nice is it compicate to make your patch?
in the past i have control synthedit with a joystick(just some tweak)
Cool! I did something similar thing ages ago with a pd patch, using the joystick to send CC’s to audiomulch. For anyone wondering - it’s pretty easy to pull off with some basic knowledge, I don’t think my patch consisted of even a dozen objects.
I have max 6 sitting on my HD, but it’s mostly collecting dust. Just haven’t set aside the time to invest in it seriously… and the computer science part of my identity cringes at having to program with a mouse.
It`s very easy to do with max/msp; much easier for me than programming in renoise!
I’ve tried it several times, never bought it. Found it way too time consuming and complicated for my music tasks. Then I spent a few years telling people, “Max is a waste, if you need something that does everything, buy NI’s Reaktor, and get on with your life.” I had very negative responses on this, until Cycling and Ableton got in bed with each other… Now both those companies are so screwed up, that I turned out to be right.
Go figure
I mostly use it for making sound generators that I can sample, and I’ve been thinking of outputting Renoise into Max/MSP for glitchy effects. I haven’t done it yet but rewiring the two for rhythmically synced generated percussion could be fun.
Reaktor and Max are two different things and both have their uses. Max is lower level but can do more.
The only thing they lost in the new version of Max is Pluggo support. That’s it. Oh and the forum sucks now because of the flood of confused Live users. On the other hand, 64-bit support is a big deal and so is Gen.
I’ve had nothing but problems with trying to learn max/msp…it crashes constantly even during the tutorials, usually when I’m doing something really basic like moving something on the screen or opening a reference file, things that shouldn’t be making it crash at all. Sometimes it even crashes when I’m not doing anything at all. I’ve tried registering on their forums for some advice but it keeps telling me my email has already been used even though I’ve never even registered. lol