Trying to understand if what I’m trying to achieve is possible or not in Renoise.
Essentially I’m trying to implement a Markov-like probability process for triggering events using something like maYbe in mutually exclusive mode, but for Phrase selection. I can map phrases to the individual keys of an Instrument, use -Y00 to trigger one of those phrases at weighted-random, but want the previous phrase chosen to be omitted from the set of possible next phrases.
Any help is appreciated. Mostly need to know if this is possible in Renoise, and which avenue might be best to achieve this (Native, Formula device, LUA)
Can the content of a Phrase be used to trigger another phrase? Can a Phrase in, say, Instrument 00, trigger notes in Instrument 01?
Aha - as in, completely gone from the pool of possibilities, or avoid repeating (always select a new one)?
The main goal would be full control of the probability of which phrases can be chosen and their probability weights depending on (essentially defined by) which phrase just got triggered, whether it elimiminates repeating or not. Ex: I’m using an arbitrary note of Inst00 to trigger an envelope (one-shot custom LFO reset), an arbitrary note of Inst01 to trigger a different envelope, and another, etc, and allow the rules for which env triggers be much more intentional/context-aware than manually-weighted random, eliminate repeating (in some but possibly not all instances), and overall let this system run without having to poke or prod it much. Manually omitting repeating options in sequences robs the algo of a lot of possibilities.
You best option? I’d definitely say lua - you have full control of the pattern editor, can read/write note data from patterns/phrases, etc.
While a lot of cool stuff can certainly be put in a formula device, you need to express absolutely everything as code. Could be pretty daunting!
Compared to this, lua + phrases is a hard to beat combination IMO.