meow meow gimme more gimme more!!!
seriouzzly gime summmm plesasseee
Hmmmm… Another one I’ve heard of some friends maybe going a little too far on.
Heard the tune a few times now though and intro does make me laugh
The intro was a good laugh indeed… the rest was a bit disappointing though (including the music)…
The end is more of a satirical look at the party scene surrounding mCAT at the moment.
It’s very accurate, and for that reason…it’s good.
I can’t im in the studio all weekend…next one, next one…just make sure it’s before MEOW gets classified.
This one’s better… and produced by a Renoise user:
That’s today mate.
Maybe something on 1st May but probably not as big. Couple of smaller, outdoor things planned in May if weather holds up too. Will keep you posted though (probably on FB rather than here though )