EUREKA!! I just had one of those moments, hopefully the idea is solid and will not let us down!!
Here’s the deal: a script can send internally routed MIDI messages, using the native Renoise OSC server. And I just realized, that since Renoise doesn’t really care where the MIDI comes from, it is possible for Duplex to forward any MIDI messages that aren’t handled by it. The difference from standard MIDI connectivity in Renoise being, you can attach any number of devices and control which ones should be launched on startup.
I’m thinking that the “basic” feedback you’re talking about would also be possible. Huge fucking smiley!!
Hey nice one Danoise! It’s so simple to leverage the internal OSC server. I’m very glad that there is an elegant solution to this
I’m all booked up with gigs for the next few weeks but I’d love to keep discussing and nail down a likely implementation for this “basic feedback” — I think the flexibility it would bring to Renoise in general would be phenomenal!
I have made some progress, and the idea absolutely checks out OK in practice. Seems that lately I’ve quite a few of those revelations - the Keyboard app for example should probably have been there right from the start. Oh well
Duplex’ next beta-release will most likely see the feature introduced in a very basic way, unhandled messages being passed on on a per-device-configuration basis, but without the visual feedback. So there’s plenty of opportunity to discuss such implementation details.
I’m thinking that since devices (and even individual parameters) are already tagged/described in Duplex - if they should transmit a value back to their source, or not, is something we could very easily set up basic rules about.
Also: this will only make sense with MIDI, OSC messages are left in the cold.
It’s unfortunate about OSC, but it seems to me that it would mainly be a question of what namespace the output would use. As much as I don’t like MIDI as a general solution, in this case its restrictive set of messages is an advantage in terms of standardized interaction.
Ex. if an OSC message comes into
or if some other interaction causes a state-change in the playback of the song, renoise could send out
But anyways focusing on MIDI for now is fine with me, I’m only dealing with MIDI on my controller at the moment (selfish me ).