A bit tricky workaround though;
- Install latest Duplex beta version.
- Select [Tools] >> [~Duplex] >> [~MIDI-Keyboard] >> [~MIDI-Keyboard Keyboard] config.
Then you can see the virtual keyboard of Duplex, - Open the [Settings] panel on the virtual key
- Set MIDI-in port on there and set [Keyboard] >> [Pitch Bend] option on there too (select “Route to CC#??”, for exchanging the pitch signal to CC).
Now you can map the pitch bender to anywhere in Renoise by the MIDI-mapper.
If you want to avoid being inputted pitch bend commands on the Pattern Editor, uncheck the “Pitchbend & Controllers” option on the Renoise’s Preferences panel. (Since pitch signals are inputted via Duplex port, it is unnecessary any longer)
But currently, there seems to be a tiny issue about mapping the pitch bender. See this topic too: