Midi plugin suggestions

Has anyone tried using Bidule as a plug-in in 3.1?

Yes, Bidule VSTi sends midi fine, just tried the arpeggiator; midi fx combined with Renoise phrases could be killer.

I’m tempted to try Numerology or Reaktor as well, and there’s Lua Protoplug which apparently has midi fx scripting, so much stuffs.

I triedImprovisator demo, but crashes for me. Seems it doesn’t like windows 10 and 64bit :stuck_out_tongue:

Improvisator is very very old code. Its pretty unstable and has still a lot of bugs. Also wasn’t updated since years.

The original developer got that thing bought up by the company that distributes this now, but it was never developed further.

  • Make a Plugin FX Alias instrument for the VST FX plugin you want to control.
  • Route your MIDI generator plugin to the alias instrument.
  • Profit.

I tried doing this with the PIZ midi plugins and it crashed Renoise. I have been trying to get some of these to work for quite awhile and was excited to see this new midi functionality, but alas it does not work for what I need it for.

I tried doing this with the PIZ midi plugins and it crashed Renoise. I have been trying to get some of these to work for quite awhile and was excited to see this new midi functionality, but alas it does not work for what I need it for.

To be fair, I’ve had Insert Piz Here plugs crash Reaper, SaviHost and Bidule, they tens to be a bit unstable at the best of times.

I’m curious if anyone has tried the plugin version of EnergyXT in Renoise? Would be very curious to hear how that goes, might download a demo and see for myself if no license-holders talk about it.

Oh, just twigged something maybe useful to other peepl: your MIDI VST needs to be higher in the instrument list than the instrument you want it to trigger.

Order of creation isn’t the problem i was having. The VST just needs to be a lower numbered instrument than the target.

Does this go for vst aliases as well?

Handy and useful set of tools:


Can anyone recommend a micro tuning MIDI plugin that is OS X compatible?

What I consider to be the best stepsequencer ever created is era by sonic bytes …

Amazing resolution , and possibilities .

Sadly the guy went working for n,ative instruments nd sold the license to sugarbytes .

They never supported it , and have discontinued it by now .

Thesis is a joke compared to era
