Midi Synth Knob Assigning?

Heya guys…

Got a question here, if it is posted and already answered please just point me to the forum link, but im having a little trouble with my synth. Now i have hooked up my synth to sync with Renoise but it seems the only thing that functions is the sequencer/patterns on my synth and to use it as a midi keyboard. The knobs on my synth do not control anything which brings me to my question… Can you assign the knobs to control, let’s say, the knobs on a vst for instance? Thanks =D

niNja pWn3d

You need to use the native automation meta-device.
*Meta -> *Automation -> Automation Device.
In the Automation Device select your instrument plug-in and the parameters you want to control. Now you can assign those sliders to your knobs :P