I’ve made some searches around here about MIDI keyboards because I’d like to buy one, and I’m really interested about Renoise user’s feelling about it as it’s the software I use the more for now.
And even with all that I’ve read about it here, I still have few questions :
Do you think that the additional controllers (as knobs, sliders, …) are very usefull ? Let me explain : I want to use my MIDI keyboard mainly to write my melody’s (in fact I’d like to learn notes on a piano-like keyboard wearhas a computer keyboard, because when I’ll have the habit to play it, I could almost consider me as a guy who know how to play keyboard).
Additional controllers interest me, but if their quality is not so good (like on an M Audio Axiom for example, as I heared), what is the point ? Would it not be better to buy a better keyboard for the same price, with no additional controllers, and then to buy a MIDI controller later if I have the chance to play live one day ? -
Always about the additional controllers : I’m not really sure about what I’m asking, but anyway, is it possible to assign more than 127 steps to a knob (for example) ? If not, using a knob for a filter cutoff would be crappy because not smooth at all.
Is it possible to play the 9 octaves with the keyboard (using Octave control I guess) ?
Well in fact I think that’s the only questions I have for now. Actually I’m wondering if I really need knobs, sliders, etc… I’m looking for a keyboard with good pads (by the way, does “pad” mean “a key of the keyboard (the black and white ones)” ?), because I want to start playing it.
Maybe some of you could advice me some keyboards which could suits me ? (My budget is around 200€ max, and I’m considering to buy it on e-bay)
Thanks for you help, you wonderful community