(more) Questions About Midi Keyboards


I’ve made some searches around here about MIDI keyboards because I’d like to buy one, and I’m really interested about Renoise user’s feelling about it as it’s the software I use the more for now.

And even with all that I’ve read about it here, I still have few questions :

  • Do you think that the additional controllers (as knobs, sliders, …) are very usefull ? Let me explain : I want to use my MIDI keyboard mainly to write my melody’s (in fact I’d like to learn notes on a piano-like keyboard wearhas a computer keyboard, because when I’ll have the habit to play it, I could almost consider me as a guy who know how to play keyboard).
    Additional controllers interest me, but if their quality is not so good (like on an M Audio Axiom for example, as I heared), what is the point ? Would it not be better to buy a better keyboard for the same price, with no additional controllers, and then to buy a MIDI controller later if I have the chance to play live one day ?

  • Always about the additional controllers : I’m not really sure about what I’m asking, but anyway, is it possible to assign more than 127 steps to a knob (for example) ? If not, using a knob for a filter cutoff would be crappy because not smooth at all.

  • Is it possible to play the 9 octaves with the keyboard (using Octave control I guess) ?

Well in fact I think that’s the only questions I have for now. Actually I’m wondering if I really need knobs, sliders, etc… I’m looking for a keyboard with good pads (by the way, does “pad” mean “a key of the keyboard (the black and white ones)” ?), because I want to start playing it.

Maybe some of you could advice me some keyboards which could suits me ? (My budget is around 200€ max, and I’m considering to buy it on e-bay)

Thanks for you help, you wonderful community :walkman:

Too many questions, not enough time.

Axiom 61. Its great. especially if you like to turn knobs, and move sliders around for fun.

They also have a 49 and 25 for travel size companionship. :w00t: