Multiedit : Multi Columns & Multi Tracks

he told you: where were you when 2.8b1 was announced? we are now at 2.8b8, and it is too late to make massive changes. 2.8 will be released soon.

you seem to not understand that. why? how can that be?

I think he will understand this as much as we do understand him but i hope Google translate did at least the job:
“J’ai besoin de cette amélioration dans la prochaine version de Renoise 2.80 …”

Si c’est si important pour vous, pourquoi avez-vous attendre la dernière minute pour le mettre en place? Nous sommes fondamentalement à la fin de la phase de test bêta maintenant, et nous avons à peu près finalisé toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités. Il est très peu probable que nous allons ajouter d’autres caractéristiques nouvelles à ce stade tardif. Désolé.

i don’t think he’ll get that, because the “end of beta testing phase” does not mean 2.8.0 to him, it means “Renoise 2” to him. something which he is constantly referring to. If the sentence had said “we are nearing the end of Renoise version 2.8.0 beta testing period”, he might be able to comprehend that there might be a new version eventually. im not sure he understands the difference between 2 and 2.8.


Vv : Yes, your French isn’t so bad :wink: Sorry for my bad English… I know that I posted so late. I am registered for Renoise since the version 1.91 and I don’t understand why little improvements isn’t being made before BIG improvements in Renoise 2. It is the choice of Renoise Team !

esaruoho : No, I know the difference between v2 and v2.80 : ONLY BIG IMPROVEMENTS and bugs fixed. I know that it is important for improving Renoise 2 (news, audio, faster, etc) but the community is important too for the little improvements. I am sure that if you answer “Renoisers” about “multi edit note by column/track”, the most part of people were happy…

For me, the negative points of Renoise 2 are the followings :

  • Mismanagement of parameters colors.
  • Missing Keyboard Shortcuts.
  • Missing Little tips/improvements.
  • Missing a guide to learn all effects in Renoise 2 Video ?



which ones?
i could say there’s keyboard shortcuts missing from renoise too, but the renoise devteam will not be able to understand WHICH shortcuts are missing, unless if you tell them which ones are missing! so, which ones are missing? please try and understand that none of the renoise devteam are going to travel to france to ask for a list.

so make a list for them on the forum. instead of just saying “missing keyboard shortcuts”.

For example Here :

and do you have any other keyboard shortcut things you want done, other than those? i mean, is THAT all? that’s hardly even 20 keyboard shortcuts.

do you have more keyboard shortcuts you need?

256/#note_Columns? Set the amount of Note Columns first and it evenly distributes them.

Couldn’t say off-hand but image it would be easy enough. Some kind of Pattern/Track Notifier?

i dont actually really understand what this means?
while i can kinda understand FF/Notecolumn amount, that doesn’t really bring me any closer to, well, getting numbers out to it and getting it to place them in the pattern editor, maybe even by simle brute force, so they’re autogenerated (this could really work, you know)…

sure, maybe a notifier, but that would get confused with other pattern-input-based-scripts. (such as my sampler, which after recording a sample, places a note in the selected_track_index, which will start playing during playback.

so these would be mutually destructive, unless if there was some method of ditching a notifier.

i just don’t get notifiers, i’m not entirely sure if i ever really will. luckily there’s lots of other possibilities for scripting, which don’t require a notifier. so i can kinda do some things vaguely, and not know much about the pattern iterator or notifiers.

i suspect what vizion is after is the pattern iterator stuff - i’ve kind of looked at it with my grep method and didn’t really see much i could make use of (translates to : i didn’t really understand anyofit)

My assumption was based on you want your tool to pretty much do sub-line Edit Steps, so each step is equal. Beyond that I went as far as assuming a simple way to decide amount of sub-divisions would be equal to the number of visible note columns in a track.

Each line has 256 possible values of Delay.
#note_columns = number of visible note columns
note_column = current note column.

Delay value per column would be: (note_column-1)*#note_column/256

I can’t claim to really understand Notifiers all that well myself but I do know you should be removing them when they’re not in use. This option you already said would be a Toggle, so only if you have two tools/pieces of script active at a time which may be looking for the same types of actions should you get conflicts.

I finally figured out what this picture is about. and I agree! This would be amazing. press ‘4’, and your pc keyboard input, gets mapped, based on “editstep”, to 4 note columns.

If I understand this correctly it would automatically cycle through the note columns within a track after each note entered?

If so, this could be scripted:

Hook into the pattern track change notifier and each time a new note is added, increment selected_note_column (wrapping around by the number of note columns)

The tool could also set the number of note columns when activated.

it’s probably not, _observable

is it?

or ?

I don’t think so.

I’m not infront of Renoise at the moment so this is all from memory/untested, but my thinking was as follows:

  • Start the tool by a keycombo/menu/midi etc
  • Enabling the tool hooks into (notify on pattern track changes)
  • Store
  • Store
  • Let Renoise add the note and change line
  • selected_pattern_track_observable should fire
  • Check if a new note was entered - edit_pos.line will have changed (if edit step > 0)
  • If is not nil (note column selected), increment it mod
  • Stop the tool by a keycombo/menu/midi etc
  • If has changed, stop the tool (new track selected)

Anyway, I hope this gets the idea across.


Hi dBlue, it’s totally fair.
What I believe our french friend is describing is this: However-many notecolumns are displayed in the track of your choice - when you are in that track, with say, 12 note columns visible, your edit_step changes into a “note column edit step”. So everytime you press say Q on row 00 notecolumn 1, and your editstep is 2, you are taken to row 02 notecolumn 2, where if you press another key, you are then transported to row04 notecolumn 3 and so on and so forth.

The objective is to enable the user to quickly create high-density twirls of notes, and to have the editstep affect their behaviour. as you went pretty deep with your pattern resizer/shrinker thing, you’ll know that one could go to editstep=0 and start traversing into say, 10 note columns, all of which automatically have the correct delay values in the delay column, which would allow one to use edistep=0 recording to actually access “below row” resolution automatically.

I’ve now got a simple notecolumn opener / scroller for 1 to 12 notecolumns, but it is simply a shortcut run to traverse to the next notecolumn, doesn’t take editstep into consideration.

and to refer back to your FT2/MilkyTracker things, I think it’s valid that someone who requests an old feature from an old tracker provide a video of the old tracker doing it. That would at least make sense. No-one expects anyone to load FT2 in. So back to the original poster: some effort would be appreciated.


well, the notifiers keep shooting errors when they really shouldn’t, so i’m not sure how to progress with this so that i can come up with the goods. i guess it’s all down to how to use notifiers with keyboard shortcuts that toggle a notifier on and notifier off.

There are also moments where you have to turn off the notifiers to prevent loopback errors from happening if you are processing/changing the pattern contents from within the routine that has been fired by the notifier that detected pattern changes.

function noteadded()  
 ...Do your stuff...  

Hmm! So my whole process was wrong. What im actually supposed to do is call noteadded from the keyshortcut directly and let it do its magick.