Hi all, hope you can help, and apologies if this has been answered before - I have searched the forums but couldn’t find anything to answer my question, which is -
Is there any way of being able to have Renoise search more than two VST plugin folder locations? I currently have it set to scan my C: drive’s 64 and x86 plugin folders. However I would also like to add another location for it to scan. Is this possible?
However, it’s quite simple to make a symbolic link that virtually connects your plugin folders together.
Open up a cmd.exe command prompt window with Administrator rights. You can just search for “cmd” in your start menu (or via Metro on Win8), then right-click it and choose “Run as Administrator”.
From the command prompt, navigate to your plugins folder and use the mklink command:
cd "C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\"
mklink /D "My Other VST Plugins" "C:\Some\Other\Plugins\Folder\"
You will now have a virtual folder “C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\My Other VST Plugins” which links to “C:\Some\Other\Plugins\Folder”, and Renoise will be able to scan your other plugins as normal.