Multisample handling and instrument text display

Load multisamples in Sample window (and directly from Sample window) in a collapsable way. All sample contained inherit same mod assignment. Maybe you can go in and change them after the fact, but I don’t care about that so much.

Sample window:

+MoogSquareOsc Mod 01
+MoogSawOsc Mod 02
|-MoogSawC1 Mod 02
|-MoogSawC2 Mod 02
|-MoogSawC3 Mod 02
|-MoogSawC4 Mod 02
|-MoogSawC5 Mod 02
|-MoogSawC6 Mod 02
|-MoogSawC7 Mod 02
□ MoogNoise Mod 03

(+: multisample, |-:child sample, square: normal stuff.)

Reasons being, multisamples would most often be treated as a single osc/sound anyway so make loading and unloading faster (test/replace/try again), mod assignment easier, stuff looks cleaner, encourage multisample reuse, makes using multiple sets of samples kind and friendly and less mind-boggling to look at. I hope.

(Yeah, I guess every other person already thought of this stuff up there^.)

Also, text notes. Instrument usage tips, helps, description, shouts, copy info, I made this, general blah… would be nice to dislay this in the sample or browser window or somewhere? (OK, already exists.)

It’s being discussed over here (well, basically everyone agrees it’s a good idea).

Also, text notes. Instrument usage tips, helps, description, shouts, copy info, I made this, general blah… would be nice to dislay this in the sample or browser window or somewhere?

There’s a tool for that:

Works as a tool within Renoise 3, and supported/integrated into Redux (will be in Renoise 3.1 too, of course)

How weird, I had the exactly same idea on my mind just now! Perhaps I saw your topic earlier, but don’t think so. :stuck_out_tongue:


Perhaps the instruments & samples could be color-coded as well, preferably synced with the track-color? Or at least having that as an option, for instance if they aren’t being used on multiple tracks.

+1 to this!

Just a simple grouping of samples would be great as it’ll fit the current mod-chain / fx-chain structure well, and making multi-timbre instrument faster.