Multitimbral Synths And Alias Doesnt Seem To Work For Me


Renoise is vey interesting to me so far and I really want to improve my abilities with the software.

I have a multitimbral synth (Visryn Tera 3) that I like to use and it supports 8 timbres/channels.

I have tried loading an alias of the synth and assigning a second track to this alias with channel 2 as en example. It does not seem possible to use different presets on those 2 channels for some reason.

Whenever I change a preset, it gets changed on the 2nd channel and so forth.

What can I do?



You need to set each midi-channel to each instance correctly.
Please confirm these.

  • If you select “Channel 01” for the 1st instance at VST Instrument Properties panel in Renoise,
    you should also select MIDI-channel 1 for the 1st instance in TERA.

  • If you select “Channel 02” for the 2nd(alias) instance at VST Instrument Properties panel in Renoise,
    you should also select MIDI-channel 2 for the 2nd instance in TERA.

I don’t have TERA though, maybe the 16 buttons in the upper part of the TERA’s screenshot are the MIDI-channel settings.

Also see the Renoise tutorial :)


I have assigned channels 1 to main instance and channel 2 to alias in instrument properties.

When I play the instrument through the editor, I can access the 2 layers with each patch separately.

Yet, I cannot assign track/presets as they default to the patch on channel 1 I suspect.


I’ve tested TERA3 demo and confirmed your problem.
Indeed, it’s strange behavior. :unsure:
TERA3 seems to ignore the Program Change signals from Renoise sometimes, when TERA’s GUI is closed.
I’ve also tested TERA3 in FLstudio8 demo with multi-channels, and the result seemed to be same. (I’m not so good at FL though…)
Have you used TERA3 in other host? then can you use the multitimbral function (preset change) correctly?

Also the Program Change command [C2 00xx] doesn’t work at all.
I think that this is some kind of unsupported feature in TERA3.
When you use TERA3 as Multitimbral, you can set each preset of each instance correctly only from the TERA’s editor. :(

Many thanks. I will adress the developpers as I have purchased the product.

Again, thanks!!

Wait until you start messing with the multipoint envelopes in tera …in multitimbral mode
Really horrible…making changes to one envelope also alters the other ones on different parts ;I think tera isn’t really multitimbral …besides that it sounds really good .
I am waiting for these changes then I might jump into the boat

Let’s hope they fix things… it would be one of the few synths that supports multitimbrality.

Well I don’t know a lot of them that are really multitimbral …for those I do know
Terratec komplexer
waldorf attack
and mostly all samplers

Aha, okay, i assumed “synth” as in generator… most samplers indeed support this, but most generators do not.