Multitrack Render Options

I was super happy when multitrack render was added, and mostly i don’t have any complaints, but there is one thing i’d really like to see added:
No rendering of empty tracks, including tracks that send all their output to sends.

It’s awkward putting all the waves in Live and having to dig out the empty ones.

Also, this may be bizarre, but it’d be nice to have the option of rendering an rns to a new rns of the same length, but with each track “baked” into an instrument with no effects, letting you simply adjust levels and add post-effects to clean up the mix. Not to say renoise is a mastering solution, but it’d be very convenient.
For instance myTrack.rns could render to a master called myTrack_final.rns or somesuch. Sends would be baked to normal tracks.

This is not possible since sends can consist of the sum of several tracks plus additional fx. If that fx is dependant of the dynamics, like a compressor, it will not sound the same if applied to each of the tracks as the sum of them. This was recently discussed but I couldn’t find the thread. Hope you understand my explanation anyway.

About the suggestion… yeah it would be nice. Not very important, but a nice addition.