Since there are quite some drummers among you, I thought this would be a nice place to ask. Been wanting to learn to play the drums for years and finally scraped enough money together to buy an electric kit and get lessons. However, there are quite some machines out there and I was wondering what a beginner like me should look for. My budget is around 600 euros. Is it possible to get a decent kit for that price, preferably with MIDI in/out, or should I stuff the idea back in the fridge and wait for more moneys? What are important features a kit should have to be considered decent? Or should a beginner stop looking at features and just get a kit that has enough cowbell to get started? Any other things a n00b needs to know? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, gentlemen!
with a little bit more money (at least on the italian site where I usually buy stuff, but usually german ones are the cheapest ones), I would buy this.
in both cases, the feeling and the response given by the pads are nothing close to the real thing, plus they have not the best polypphony out there, but boht things are nothing you can obtain for such a budget.
this one is the cheapest I could think as a better start.
IT-Alien, thanks a bunch for the quick response! The Alesis DM6 looks like a good option, stores near me sell them for 380 euros (which means more lessons!). I’m aware of the lacking response and polyphony, but you can’t ask for much with my budget I’m going to ponder about this to decide whether I should save some more money, or just be the impulsive customer that I am and GO 4 IT! Thanks again, sir!
oootini, I have two left hands and couldn’t drill a hole in a brick wall if my life would depend on it, but that looks very interesting