It’s statistically overdue and the music matches nicely:
It’s a habit of giving away responsibilities, when people have done that for generations it’s easier to continue the road to destruction. As you say, that is considered the most “civilized” way of living.
I support TNT in that nothing is ever impossible. It just require a effort from the majority of people, and that everyone that has the knowledge will teach it to others. Making alternative music that rivals the commercial crap is a great way to demonstrate values of a different mentality, it’s something that can change a person from the inside and make them open their eyes to a different reality. Too bad the underground isn’t that strong anymore, it’s just an artist way to the commercial scene, not like a separate and innovative entity like it was before, when every artist practically invented their own style. The big business was in awe of, and had great respect for the underground.
The authorities will definitely do everything to prolong this system and in Norway they are doing a good job, most people believe that the crimes we do to ourselves and to nature are necessary, and that moral is something you put away as soon as it comes to changing something in your way of life, which has been dictated by the government since childhood. I think it will take a long time before we can talk about an awakened majority here.
It’s great to talk to you guys about these matters. It tells me that you are serious musicians who values your work, and nature given right (responsibility) to express yourself from the heart. That must be protected at any cost, because it is rooted in the principle of freedom, and without it both true art and science will be doomed.
People don’t want to get educated, they want to remain in their own small world. Only thinking about work, family and consumption. If you say something they don’t know about they call you a conspiracy theorist, nazi or similar. You need to swim with the current to become a respected member of the society. But if you’re swimming against the current you must be a nazi, right? History has shown that scientists, artists and else off the mainstream are only getting the respect they deserve after their death.
That will never happen. The majority is too stupid, indifferent, apathetic. Furthermore the system will slow everything down, and again bureaucracy will support the world’s destruction. Before we see an awakened majority it’s more likely that mankind has already destroyed its own habitat. Or mother nature will end this. Either way the end is coming, the only question is when will that be. I’m sure mankind will accelerate the end many times over. The beginning of the end has already been started. There are way too many people living on earth with a rising tendency, and a lack of resources, land, food and water. We have a population problem.
Bill Burr is on point in terms of that topic:
You will be called nazi for many things nowadays, that is part of how the psychological manipulation works. Create words with emotional attachments and tie it to anything that opposes the establishment. And trigger daily through media.
I think the overpopulation is a result of an inbalance in human societies. Even if that many were killed, there is no guarantee that those left will be able to build a better society. Changes must happen over time, and it must come from the heart if it’s going to last.
I think that theory or a related one is written on the Georgia guidestones in USA, by a Rosicrucian. Not sure exactly what the author meant, or how he/she would go about to accomplish it, but I know that the Rosicrucians do not believe in revolution or sudden changes, but rather they believe in spiritual development over time, and by initiation, not by force. I have studied them and think they have a philosophy that could greatly benefit society. Too bad people with that kind of knowledge have been killed or seriously screwed over throughout history, so they must remain hidden.
According to the ancient Egyptians, the time for an “awakening through initiation” is too late, already at the time of Christ the next solution for mankind would be an “awakening through suffering”. By the looks of it they might be right, but one can hope. I think as ethical people it’s our duty to never give up. I don’t think we are screwed, but there is a battle of who can program the minds, and right now (and for some time, to say the least) the bad guys are winning. People are not good or evil, we have light and dark within us, and can program ourselves to be whatever we want.
Nothing will change if people don’t want to change, and without knowledge about themselves or the laws of nature, there will never be enough will to change. That is why I education is necessary. One good thing I notice is that it’s more common to speak about these things now than it was for say 15 years ago, and it’s easier to find information about it if you actually want to. It means the consciousness around it has risen.
Overpopulation is currently not the problem and this argument is used by people who think the current system could continue (without the annoying 85% poor). This is very easy to disproove. It is more a problem about sharing, and what big agrarcompanies want to produce. For example, in Germany 60% of the cultivation area is used to domestic cattle. This is no wonder, because the pure animal biomass is 90% domenstic cattle vs 10% wild natural animals. And over 60% of the meat production is exported then, mostly real low quality shit. It looks very similar in a lot of countries. Also statistics say with the current output of grain, which is left for human beings, you could feed 12 billion people. This story is an old lie by the chemical industry, e.g. Monsanto / Bayer or BASF, to sell their nature destruction products, which only work with monoculture. They always say, without using extremely toxic total herbizdes (which btw. are nowadas like 100 times more toxic than Glyphosat), you couldn’t feed the world, etc. It is neoliberal propaganda. Their system does not work and is responsible for the dying of the insects worldwide. In reality, they take common plant breedings, change one of the genes to make it resistant against their own poison/multiband-antibiotics, and then sell this as a package. It should be prohibited by law, since it causes extreme damage for centuries even it was stopped just now. So in other words, they pirated the software of nature and then put a patent on it, because they changed a single method in the code and also have no idea what the whole thing does and what it is good for. Also they try and made successfully whole countries dependent on this. Farmers simply ignore this fact, because nowadays alll they learn is based on this lie. Poor people can’t pay prices of global monopolists, hence they have to starve. Often, governments (just like in Germany) are paid so they are not even allowed to use other seed, or their own seed. So this problem again also is caused by the toxic influence of neoliberal lobbyists and politicans. They only do what is good for their profit, and do not care at all about harming people and nature. They want to enslave the poor people. And what is better in a capitalistic view than patenting the provision of basic supplies? These companies mostly only harm, and are completely useless, even harmful for humanity. Like parasites they sit in the system, generating money from destruction of the planet. And this is the reason, why the story of overpopulation is repeated over and over again, it covers the shit going on in meat production and chemical agrar industry.
Also interesting is the fact, that BASF Germany alone requires the same amount of energy as whole Denmark, so like 5,8 million citizens. They already announced lately that they will require the tripled amount in future. If you can do simple maths, you should already realize that something then must be wrong in the public story of reducing energy / gas etc. Nowhere publicly ever will be said “why these companies can consume such a gigantic amount of energy? This has to stop immediately”. Instead, the politics again does the only they can do, they tell a narrative about the individual that now has to drastically pay more and save even more energy. But all private German households together (heating, electricity and private cars together) only make like 1/3 of the pollution. So 1/3 82 million people vs. 1/3 the industry and 1/3 energy generation. They really come up with suggestions which only are a drop in the ocean, and sell it as the solution, and media will repeat it over and over again only to cover the real polluters here.
People do not even bring this shit into question, they accept it as god-given, and instead waste their time with pseudo discussions. It is impossible to solve a problem, if the cause is invisible to most people. What an perfidious strategy to feed the richs.
That said, of course it would be easier, if they were less people on the planet. Only it is not the main reason for the destruction.
I tend to think this as well. We do have the resources and technology to feed everyone, it’s just not a priority, we don’t want to. Just think about the resources that goes into useless science projects like going to Mars, instead of creating a better place on Earth.
And also there are some critical questions to the reduction idea, who will live and who will die, who decides that. That’s dangerous territory for the human mind.
In Germany you’re called a nazi if you don’t support hard left positions or if you’re showing the german flag.
True. 5% of the people own 95% of everything and 95% must get along with the remaining 5%. And mostly the poor have children while the rich take care of career and power. It’s obvious why the world is like that.
Yes, the distribution of wealth and resources is one of the main problems, but it’s undeniable that overpopulation is a problem, too. Look how mankind has spread over the planet. The problems will get worse every year, climate change will also speed this up. And obviously mankind repreats its mistakes over and over again, so it’s for sure that there will be war, too. The world is fucked either way.
All of the information required to see how these systems function is pretty much out in the open now. It doesn’t help to bring it into question when people want to believe the mainstream narrative, because it seems to make their lives more convenient. The problem now is that of will, it’s simply not there. Only mental development and psychology can cure that, it’s a weapon, without it it’s like going to war with bow and arrow against nukes. The enemy are masters of psychology, trust me. It doesn’t matter what you discuss, you won’t stand a chance without so called “pseudo” knowledge. That is why you have been made to believe it is pseudo.
Great demo. It was a blast seeing it on the big screen, and of course – the music <3
Thanks, @phobium So cool that you were there, I only watched the compo online. I have to visit a demoparty again sometime, it’s been a while, I used to go to Solskogen before it shut down.