Native Vst Editors "Hide" Behaviour


I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but Renoise ‘forgets’ if the editor is enabled…

Edit: just to be clear I mean this -

If the editor is opened, the “Ext. Editor” button is toggled, the button that you refer to is the parameter-list toggle button.:

It may be that Renoise might miss the “WindowHide” event from the plugin if you click on the “Close” hatch of the VST plugin itself, or the plugin does not send this event. (In the last case, that is something Renoise cannot fix)
Is there some plugin where this can be easily replicated with?

Sorry, I don’t think I explained myself very well.

I use quite a few plugins without even opening their editors at all as I prefer using the parameter-list. If you open the list Renoise will forget that it is has been opened as soon as you exit the song. It does this with all plugins. For example, I use Vibe EQ (awesome) through the parameter-list, and each time I load a song I have to click the toggle button each instance to reopen the lists…

I know what you mean but this “flag” never was store/recalled. We could think about if we want that, but thats nothing really urgent, isn’t it`?

No, definitely not urgent! I just wasn’t sure if it was supposed to happen or not.

maybe store it as an option in the new VST [?] option dialog? I know some plugins I want to use like that all the time and others I would never want to use like that.

That might be a good one indeed as a default behavior for the plugin when chosen… But song specific saved parameter display flags are needed in this case as well.