New Renoise Laptop


I´m considering a second hand laptop to use exclusively with Renoise. I don´t use any VST or
VSTi plugins, i just want 6-8 sample instrument based tracks, a few native effects plus 4-8 tracks
to use with external synths (midi out tracks). Do you think that this powerbook will be powerful
enough to do that?.

Thanks in advance!


Welcome to the forums.

I think this post should be located in off topic, but it’s no big deal.

I wouldn’t buy an old apple machine for some reasons:

  1. Apple machines are often overpriced, even used. You will definitely pay too much for those specs.
  2. Those old apple pre-2006 are PowerPC cpu, that means they aren’t compatible with the newest versions of most softwares… since it’s been 4 years that apple only use intel cpu, companies (even apple) don’t bother offering support for this old technology, you would be buying a device on which you can’t install the newest softwares, you’ll have hard times finding softwares for it.

Those two reasons make those mac a pretty big waste of money, you can get a newer, cheaper, more powerful PC laptop running windows XP, windows 7 or Ubuntu Linux that will turn out to be a better purchase.

If all you want to do is run renoise without plugins, just about any laptop will do the job, even netbooks… if it’s in your budget, I’d get a new netbook, they are neat little machines.

What about that laptop made WITH renoise on it… Comes with a licence and everything… check out inthamixx?[center]

Can you actually use a netbook efficiently with renoise? At what point does it poop out? Can you run a reverb or delay? I also assume you are stuck in 16/44?

I’ve been wanting to explore linux a bit, so this might be a good opportunity.

I used renoise with an old Thinkpad X40 on Linux, and it was good. The machine wasn’t powerfull enough for a few of the demo songs, but I guess it would be enough for what you plan to do with it. (the CPU was running at 1.2Ghz, single core).

Have an Acer Aspire 1410 Netbook, and it’s phenomenal imho. I went into it thinking that I was going to be hamstrung by the netbook only to find I now use it more than my desktop. The only thing missing with something like a netbook is screen real estate & pcmcia slots…but it has usb and firewire and all that so running external audio i/o is easy.

It’s been running Renoise /Fl / Reaper like a champ. And its so ridiculously portable…

Yes, I borrowed my sister´s netbook to try it with Renoise and I´m quite surprised. It´s an ASUS 1000HE, I installed my copy of Renoise and the ASIO4all driver and the performance is great: 10 sample tracks with lots of command effects plus some of them with fx devices and no glitches at all. I still have to try it with an external USB soundcard (because I need midi out), but I think that it will work.

Many thanks to you all guys!