New Tool (2.8): Behringer Bcf2000 Lcd

Hello there.
This is Behringer BCF2000 “LCD-screen” tool. A couple years ago i use some app to emulate mackie lcd screen when uses BCF2000 in cubase. And now, with great lua i make this stuff inside renoise too.

It’s a first version, and please exuse me for any errata coz my “native” programming language is assembler ;)

This tool make a dialog with tracks names. Move this dialog to bottom border of screen and put your behringer bcf2000 beneath your screen. Setup width of each stripe, and voila - you’ve bcf2000 with lcd :)

–== Short manual ==–

It uses (for the present) the next controllers:
top row of pots - PAN (press the pot for reset track for volume = 0 dB, pan = center)
first row (from top) 8 buttons - MUTE
second row (from top) 8 buttons - SOLO
faders - VOLUME

encoder groups button used as:

[“page” left] [“page” right]
[play/stop] [pre/post mode]

all bcf buttons works as standard bcf buttons

the MASTER track “mute” button - UNMUTE ALL

On main window:
PRE/POST - current mode (you also can change it here too)
< > - change page from main window
SETUP - set parameters

On setup page:
<<>> and >><< make width of tracks narrow or wider
midi in/out - device (bcf hope ;) ) to communicate
channel - midi channel (0…15)
start CC numbers for each bcf controller (e.g. fader = 20, then renoise will be listen faders on 20…27 CC)
fader/pan/mute/solo/reset - each of this have 8 CC
page chg - controller with values 0 (page left) and 127 (page right)
pre/post - controller with values 0 (pre mixer) and 127 (post mixer)
play/stop - controller with values 0 (stop) and 127 (play)
bcf divider/renoise divider - it’s very important values. Each fader divided on 2 parts. the first part form +3 dB to renoise_divider, and second part from renoise_divider to -96 dB. This parts mapped on fader CC values - from 127 to bcf divider is first part, from bcf divider to 1 is second (CC value 0 set volume to -INF)

Here the my bcf preset for current preferences in this tool (you can upload it to bcf with any sysex uploading tool to your BCF), but if you bcf already mapped with your own CC you can easy set this CC in setup section. All CC uses 7-bit values (0…127)


  • mixer presets
  • mutes manager
  • temporary transport mode on most right fader

I would like to receive any feedback.



Thanks for this, although I don’t have a BCF, this tool is what got me inspired to write a proper tool/driver/whatever thing for my controller (MPK Mini)… Half a usability experiment right now of how much you can accomplish with 8 knobs and 2x8 pads with less use of the mouse. Thanks!

Will have a look at this tool later. Perhaps it can be added to the Duplex environment.

I tried to upload the sysex patch to preset 2, but the tool still doesn’t seem to respond on the BCF.
What does the tool actually supposed to do? I can control the BCF out of the box with Duplex.
I don’t use any of the Behringer software though.

Nice idea for a tool. More tool coders are always welcome!

Assembler is nice. x86? arm? 6510?

Lua is a nice language once you understand the power of its simplicity.

I don’t have a BCF to test, but my understanding was that the tool creates a window on the screen (which you place at the bottom of the screen, ‘above’ the BCF) and acts as a display for the controller? But I’m maybe misunderstanding…

That is also what i thought, but instead i see track buttons for post and pre mixer volume and valuefields but no response on activity when i move or push stuff on the device, neither that the device responds on what i do in the UI.
Perhaps the sysex code didn’t got properly sent to the device, will try something again.

Ok i got it working using a third party tool called B-manager.
What i notice is that the logarithmic scales are dealed with improperly in the lower zones of the fader when the mixer is synchronised with the hardware, it gets stuck right above the small zone when around -47dB and then suddenly drops to the bottom as soon as it hits -Inf deb.
You might want to snoop around in the current Beta Duplex sourcecode (note that i linked directly to a post where Danoise supplies an answer to change a parameter to enable the midi feedback for the device) to get that right (Duplex does this correct).Btw, Duplex assumes factory Preset 1