New Tool (3.1): Paketti - a suite of scripts for Automation, Sample Editor, MIDI, Pattern Editor, Phrase Editor, Mixer

esaruoho - please make paketti for renoise 3.0
I cannot work without those IT key bindings anymore ;(

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Hi, could you attach the image to the forum?

Hi chm, could you detail which portions of Paketti you are missing on Renoise 3.0? I recently installed Renoise3.0 to this machine that I used to make Paketti with, and am eager to give it a whirl.

So far the most major issue is that if you have the Instrument Browser detached, the F2,F3,F4,F11 functions go completely out the window and just give errors. Another, is, that while Alt-D/CMD-D (double selection-amount) is great for the pattern editor, what about the phrase editor? I’m not entirely sure how to proceed with this.

If you’re only using specific portions, and only on the pattern editor, it should be fairly easy to do you a R3 update, otherwise I’ll have to really think about priority (to prefer Pattern Editor over Phrase Editor or vice versa – or even to go the route of having different shortcuts for Phrase Editor as opposed to Pattern Editor — which could get very hairy and result in poor workflow performance).

Anyway, I’ll see how much of Paketti can nowadays compile in Renoise3, most of it seems to have gone directly out the window with the GUI changes and API changes.

I’d like to give it a shot tho. Anyone, please chime in and suggest something.

Sorry I can’t find it, I think it was just a list of available commands that could be turned on or off. I know a bit more about making lua tools than I did back then, If I was to do this I would suggest you just have a checkbox for every available function. Activating a checkbox would then insert a new menu or kb shortcut in the settings, this would probably be the easiest to implement.

Hi guys, I just downloaded the version from and will now get the version that I have lying on my external harddrive – then it’s time to compare these pieces, see what was missing from the “officially released 2.8 version”, then see if there’s a way of creating a renoise 2.8 AND a renoise 3.0 version (is it possible?), and to hopefully slap together the internal version and the released version and hopefully add some sensible stuff to the pattern/phrase editors.

it’s probably gonna take a while tho, so I was thinking of just pushing out a really stripped down “ImpulseTracker”-version, so if any of you have pressing shortcuts you really need for renoise 3.0, please let me know asap.

Ok, I’ve restarted this a few times now, but third time is the charm.

Again, if there are specific shortcuts that you need from Paketti, please chime in. I’ll start with the IT shortcuts, from scratch. Gutting the whole Paketti. After this, Paketti will be R3 ONLY.

is work still being done for r3?

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is work still being done for r3?

Hi, I tweak it on and off. I restarted it from scratch. Hence all the questions of “what do you need for the first R3 version” - which I didn’t really get any answers to.

So, what would you like for the first Alpha R3 build? :slight_smile: I’ve mostly been focusing on integrating the phrase editor features, but since it is a bit hairy (to say the least), the first version might not have any Phrase editor stuff.

For starters:

It would be cool if it would (again) include the keyboard shortcuts “move to next effect column”

and especially the keyboard shortcuts for the loopmodes in the sample-editor. (forward/backward/pingpong)

Theese were very helpful to me. :slight_smile:

(On a sidenote: Maybe you can hack the Modulation and Effect Sets/Chains, so that we can have keyboard shortcuts for next/prevs on theese as well.)

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For starters:

It would be cool if it would (again) include the keyboard shortcuts “move to next effect column”

and especially the keyboard shortcuts for the loopmodes in the sample-editor. (forward/backward/pingpong)

Theese were very helpful to me. :slight_smile:

(On a sidenote: Maybe you can hack the Modulation and Effect Sets/Chains, so that we can have keyboard shortcuts for next/prevs on theese as well.)

Hi, okay, to start off, a few questions for clarification.

When there’s one effect column displayed, should the “move to next effect column” “unhide” a 2nd effect column - so that if you press it on effectcolumn1 with only 1 effect column shown, pressing the key will show up effectcolumn2 and move to effectcolumn2, and so on?

loopmodes in sample-editor, should they only affect the sample that is currently shown, or all samples in the instrument? :slight_smile:

can you tell a little bit more about the modulation effect set chain next/prev - is that for switching between the displays (a key to go from mod->effect set/chain->mod), or for actual “mouse selection”? :slight_smile:

Hi, sorry for the late reply, was travelling. :slight_smile:

  • About the “move to next effect column” thing: Good question. I am not sure how Paketti handled that one in the old version. In my case I would rather not

unhide another (empty) one, that wouldn’t make too much sense, as the power of that shortcut was

additional speed in navigating the colums. Also when I remember correctly, that how the shortcut worked in the first place. I think it even skipped note colums inbetween effect colums on different tracks,

so you could move from effect column to the next without stopping on notecolums. But I am not sure about that one. Would need to reinstall 2.8 to check this, but that would make a lot of sense speed-wise, wouldnt it?

  • Loopmodes for sure only should affect the currently shown sample. Thats the most practical. If you have a sample set, especially bigger kits, you wouldn’t want to change all of them at once.

My main use for this was for example when browsing through the AKFW single cycle waveforms. When you load one of theese, the loop setting “resets” to no loop.

So I had a macro, that loaded the next sample and then executed the paketti “loop forward” command in one go.

Browsing single cycle waveforms without this feature is nonsense, because it takes way too long to

always manually enable loop mode when loading the next waveform. And this has of course far more useful applications than this example.

  • Modulation Effect chain. Well, my thoughtprocess is something like this:

When you have, lets say, three different modulation chains for your instrument, and that Instrument has 5 different samples.

Now you want to try out all three of theese modulation chains on all 5 samples of the instrument to hear which one’s best.

A keyboardshortcut to cycle through this assignment would speed this up tremendously. (Instead of what you have to do now,

which is selecting and clicking the radiobutton)

Same thing would apply for effectchains as well.

So I do not think about switching displays (you can do that already) also not for mouse selection. I hope you understand my gibberish… :slight_smile:

By the way, when I might add something:

What until now no one did (AFAIK) is an equivalent to the “edit step - move to next row with note” command,

but for the fx column. (i.e. edit step - move to next row with pattern effect) which would be uber-useful.

Maybe it’s that hard to do, I dont know.



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  • Loopmodes for sure only should affect the currently shown sample. Thats the most practical. If you have a sample set, especially bigger kits, you wouldn’t want to change all of them at once.

My main use for this was for example when browsing through the AKFW single cycle waveforms. When you load one of theese, the loop setting “resets” to no loop.

So I had a macro, that loaded the next sample and then executed the paketti “loop forward” command in one go.

Hi tL One! I finally came across these things. I can confirm that Loop-mode setting works with the (currently unreleased) Paketti version that is compatible with Renoise.

It works the same way it used to work, i.e. whichever sample is visible in the sample editor has it’s setting changed. even if the sample editor is not visible. :slight_smile:

I’ll try and look at your other things but I just had to come and confirm this. The next one would be to look at the effect column switching, as that should still be simple.

I’m guessing it’s okay if it only works in the Pattern Editor, right, and not the Phrase Editor? Having it work in the Phrase Editor would be a right hassle. Especially the way the current Phrase Editor LUA Api switches are done. (i.e. not done)

  • About the “move to next effect column” thing: Good question. I am not sure how Paketti handled that one in the old version. In my case I would rather not

unhide another (empty) one, that wouldn’t make too much sense

Ok, continuing on this one. I can verify that the 8 shortcuts that decide how many effect columns are shown (1 to 8) do work:

5706 Preferences_effectcolumn.jpg

at least in the phrase editor.

I’m gonna go look through all the commented code I have in the V2->V3 Paketti switch and see where that “move to effect column x” is at. :slight_smile:

EDIT : “Switch Effect Column/Note Column” shortcut works a-ok. and doesn’t shoot errors on Sends / Masters (at least to the user, but of course in the terminal :wink: )

is work still being done for r3?

Yes, I’ve decided to reboot the whole thing yet again.

This time with hopefully daily updates.

Rebootv2 - still continuing

(I’ve also optimized the repetitive keyshortcuts to be created with for instead of having repetitions)

  • ImpulseTracker Stop (F8)(keyboard)
  • ImpulseTracker Alt-D (double-selections per multiplication of current selection)(keyboard)
  • ImpulseTracker Alt-L (select whole channel, then all channels) (keyboard)
  • ImpulseTracker Alt-U (unselect selection) (keyboard)
  • ImpulseTracker Next Pattern / Previous Pattern during playback (keyboard)/(midi)
  • Select Specific Track (keyboard)
  • Computer Keyboard Velocity Slider (MIDI) + keyboard: Vel +1 +10 -1 -10
  • Capture Nearest Instrument & Octave (keyboard)
  • Joule Pattern Doubler (doubles pattern content so 64 row pattern → 128 row pattern)(keyboard)
  • Protman: Double Select Pattern / Double Select current Column Only(keyboard)
  • Protman: Set Selection to Current Instrument(keyboard)
  • Protman: Shrink Selection Content (keyboard)
  • Protman: Double Selection Content(keyboard)
  • Protman: ImpulseTracker PageUp/PageDn(keyboard)
  • Protman: Set Note Octave to 0-9(keyboard)
  • dblue Expand Pattern(keyboard)
  • dblue Shrink Pattern(keyboard)
  • dblue Expand Pattern + Resize pattern(keyboard)
  • dblue Shrink Pattern - Resize pattern(keyboard)
  • syflom/esaruoho: BPM/LPB writer to Master(keyboard)
  • Clone and Shrink Pattern to LPB/2 (writes LPB / BPM to Master)(keyboard)
  • Clone and Expand Pattern to LPB*2 (writes LPB / BPM to Master)(keyboard)
  • Clone Current Pattern to Current Sequence(keyboard)
  • Set Pattern Length to 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512(keyboard)/(midi)
  • Display Effect Columns 1-8(keyboard)
  • Display Note Columns 1-12(keyboard)
  • Set Global LPB to 1-16, 24,32,48,64,128,256 (keyboard)
  • Set Phrase LPB to 1-16, 24,32,48,64,128,256 (keyboard)
  • Increase Quantization by +1 (keyboard)
  • Decrease Quantization by -1 (keyboard)
  • Duplicate Instrument and Select New Instrument (keyboard)
  • Hide currently visible, current track External Editors (VST/AU) (plugins) (keyboard)
  • Set Current Sample Loop State Off,Forward,Backward,PingPong (keyboard)
  • Open External Editor for Instrument (keyboard)
  • Switch between Note / Effect Columns (keyboard)
  • Record Quantization On / Off (midi)

Reboot V2 - still continuing

  • ImpulseTracker F5 (play from start) (keyboard)
  • ImpulseTracker F2 (focus to Pattern Editor, second press hides everything (instrument box, disk browser, track scopes, pattern matrix). Third press brings it back (keyboard)
  • ImpulseTracker F2 Mini (only pattern editor, everything hidden) (keyboard)
  • EZGrooveSettings (4 midiknobs for setting Global Groove Settings)(midi)
  • ImpulseTracker F3 (brings Sample Editor to front, shows channel scopes, third press brings FX to front and shows phase etc)(keyboard)
  • ImpulseTracker F11 (shows Mixer, second press opens automation + pattern matrix)(keyboard)
  • ImpulseTracker F12 (shows Master) (keyboard)
  • Paketti Record+Follow On/Off toggle (keyboard)
  • Paketti Record+Follow On/Off toggle for Phrase Editor (keyboard)
  • Increase BPM by +1 (keyboard)
  • Decrease BPM by -1 (keyboard)
  • (Pattern) Set selected-channel Delay +1/-1/+10/-10 (keyboard)/(midi)
  • (Phrase)Set selected-channel Delay +1/-1/+10/-10 (keyboard)/(midi)
  • EFXWrite: Arpeggio Xy +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Arpeggio xY +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Vibrato Xy +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Vibrato xY +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Retrig Xy +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Retrig xY +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Tremolo Xy +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Tremolo xY +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Cut Volume Xy +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • EFXWrite: Cut Volume xY +1 / -1(keyboard)
  • Uncollapse/Collapser (midi/menu/keyboard)
  • CapsLock replacement ( “Off” on/off)(keyboard)
  • Set Current Sample to Forward Loop(keyboard)
  • Set Current Sample to Backward Loop(keyboard)
  • Set Current Sample to Pingpong Loop(keyboard)
  • Set Current Sample to No Loop(keyboard)
  • Record On / Follow Off - shortcut (keyboard)


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  • Enable/Disable Column Cycling Keyjazz (1-12 channels) (keyboard)
  • Generate Note Delays in Column (visible-note-column-amount-dependent) (keyboard)

I miss – EazyMaximizeSpectrum – feature. It is soon easter :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it still possible to code it for v3.1 ?

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What I do now to get this effect is that I make Renoise two times bigger vertically than the screen, so then I can scale the spectrum more down to fill the screen.

“Easter Egg -mode” U get it ? :unsure: