New Tool: Run Cmd On Selection

wicked stuff you’re doing here!

thanks, I’m kinda seeing how far I can take this :D

at the very least it teaches me really a lot about how LUA and the Renoise GUI work! I’m not really doing any tricky stuff I think, it’s just that LUA and Renoise are so simple yet powerful, it’s a dream, just think aloud and it more or less works… it’s been a week since I know LUA, and 5 days since I fell in love ^^

One small thing regarding tools and menu entries in general:
menu entries which open up dialogs, should be named like “Some Entry…”. This is a common way of showing that there is “more to come” when clicking on something. Would be great if you could use this in your tools as well.

When bundling executables in XRNX, you must make sure that on “os.platform() == ‘MACINTOSH’ and “LINUX”” the executable flags are set.

Like its done on rubberband when the tool launches:

(io.chmod(renoise.tool().bundle_path … ‘bin/osx/rubberband’, 755))

Zips don’t support unix styled file flags, so they will always be removed in bundled tools.

will do, and

still doing that, just not in main.lua, but instead when the menu entry is invoked. But I had no idea why, I just left it in, so thanks for the explanation.

Maybe I’m searching in the wrong place, but can’t find an option in the key-binding preferences in the Renoise menu, to assign a shortcut to the run CMD on selection script? Could this be added if not to much work? :)

of course! done :)

Whatever happened to Johann? If I’m reading his profile correctly he banned himself from here. Shame, he doesn’t seem to check his inbox either. Am wondering if there ever be an update to this tool?

dont know really,kind of weird,but again he choose his ways,(a late birthday wish for johann)