Newbie Praise For Renoise...

Being a complete newbie to tracking, I doubt that I know the exact ins and outs of tracking software, but I’ve really been blown away by the latest release of Renoise. I’ve had a play with both Skale and Modplug, and while both seem capable, neither one has such a nice to use interface, or have a look to it that seems to… inspire. Since just about everyone seems to get in on using Modplug because of its price, I was a little hesitant to look into Renoise, but I’m glad I did.

Even though Renoise is cheap for what it is, I’ll have to save a little for it, but it’s certainly on my radar now. For the guys behind it- you really do good work.

I think it’s the best investment I ever made. I was happy with 1.28 already and 1.5 is just beyond I’d ever expected. Oh and the community here is really cool. B)

Welcome aboard! :D

Welcome in, buddy :)
Registering is not only something you’ll never regret… is something you’ll be proud of… for years to come :)
At least, that’s how it worked for me ;)

good luck on not losing it on your radar.
this program will positively change your life if you let it breathe.
before renoise there were two years in which i wasn’t able to write any music, just because there was no proper software available in whatever price region there is… (also couldn’t stand ft2 anymore)… and well these two years definately SUCKED hands down.

3 inproductive years for me. Seems renoise was the release/hope for many, Including us IT/ers.

Seems like this is a common story for some of us renoise users. I was using Octamed on my old amiga 1200 pretty much up to when I found renoise. Couldn`t stand piano roll in most PC sequencers I knew, and missed the FT2/IT generation due to no internet connection before…

So basically renoise —> huge creativity burst!

oh and welcome Reactor! :)