I want to make a mapping for my Midilab3 so I can have knob1-4 always be assigned to instrument 1 and knob 5 to 8 always to instrument 2, whatever I am doing in renoise.
Tried to find this, maybe I am not using the right keywords to find the way.
wasting my holidays figuring this one out… I want to jam with my new toy!
When you have different vsti’s in the instrument list and have added the “Instr. Automation” meta devices that can be found in the track dsp tab into the corresponding tracks you want to record the vsti’s in; through pressing ctrl+m which brings up the mapping window you can link parameters to your controller knob/sliders.
I think you need to set-up a template song file where you have mapped the vst(i) to your controller, then save the template songfile so every time you load up a new song the mappings are remembered. Save a template song here;