"no Audio Device"

A very dreaded problem if it happens…
I can’t say that i have tried everything, else i would not need to post this…

So far these actions have proven fruitless:
-Uninstall all drivers regarding audio (This including drivers like ASIO4All), then reinstalling the latest (not preferred for my audiocard since its a Terratec Dmx6 fire)
-Disable onboard audio device, uninstall drivers
-Check the Windows Audio service if running (it’s running nicely)
-Check the devices if there is any error (even with the show hidden devices, Windows states everything is running fine)
-Replace/reseat audio card in PCI slot.
-Reinstall Mainboard Chipset drivers
-Reinstall retarded depencies like Generic Storage drivers and Extended IO drivers

With one thing i got audio of my soundcard in Renoise, but still no mixer available:
Reenable onboard audiocard and install drivers.
There was also some Microsoft KB hotfix installed along with it that probably might have resolved something for my Terratec audio card as well at least to make it supply audio.
So i know my audiocard is not broken. Unfortunately, the drivers aren’t digitally signed, so there ain’t any known MS KB patch for the terratec card.

Anyone having having some additional ideas to get this stuff running in XP SP2?

did u first tried some older system restore points?

Not all soundcards have WDM drivers, and not all of them install WDM drivers by default.

A soundcard that shows up in audio apps but not in the windows control panel for sound is in a situation where the device drivers are installed but WDM drivers are not installed (or are disabled/broken).

I don’t use restore points anylonger since i brought home a virus that i caught at work through LAN (So much for Norton Antivir corporate that failed miserably that particular time). I use NT-backup (just try ntbackup in the start → run).
The advantage with NTbackup is that virusses are not capable (or do not anticipate) of nesting themselves into your backup archives. They only seek for the system volume information folder and nest themselves there.

I will revert to that backup if i have no more options left. The backup is a clean system install including all software and tools that i use, so i don’t have to reinstall a lot of applications that came later.

@fullofkittens:you might have point, i’ve seen a Microsoft compatible WDM driver in the list with an exclamation mark once, it disappeared once i had uninstalled the soundcard drivers and it didn’t came back when i reinstalled them.

Thanks for the responses…
I’ll think i revert to that backup and selectively recover stuff from the “my program files” folder.