that would be about it. these plugs were recognized in my previous versions of renoise and upon reinstall they still dont recognize. the “liquid” bundle from the same company recognizes though.
any suggestions are much appreciated as the blue tubes “driver” is a main plug that i use.
One fast thing to test is to check the “Rescan previously failed plugs” box in the preferences and see if you get an errormessage when Renoise is scanning.
Did you searched the plugin in the list using a search phrase? sometimes they may end up under “unknown vendor” instead of their original vendor name simply because the plugin has no vendor specified in the expected information field.
did a rescan…rescaned all c drive,and rescanned the specific folder where the plugs are located, it scrolls them through the list though does not recognize them ‘0’ vst’s found. i get no error messages and as well it is not listed anywhere in the vst directory.
again…these plugs recognized in 1.9 and lower and the other bundle from the same company recognizes fine in 2.0 as well 1.9 and lower.
I also notice you need to have an Ilok key for these plugs… Ilok plugs are known to have setup problems.
If your key is not properly plugged in, this may cause a plugin not to work.
As vV said: Which of the bundle do you mean, and have you already tried upgrading them to the latest version? Which version have you tried this with?
I have tried the latest version of the Blue Dynamics Bundle (Demo Versions) and they do work just fine here.
Could you please also take a look into the Renoise.log file. There you will find some more details why they failed to initialize. To see the log, click on “Help” -> “Show the Log file…” in Renoise
i was using an earlier version of the bundle(blue tubes bundle), though upped to blue tubes 2.0 upon this quirk w/ renoise 2.0 decided to drop 1.9renoise back on the computer to make sure it was still proper in there which it is.
i will run through the process again and check the log files w/ renoise 2.0 and go from there.
I have the same thing happened with native instruments electronic instruments 2 pack (sort of like reaktor instruments/effects without reaktor), though that was a cracked version. I deinstalled it since i didn’t use it anyway. Strange though that plugins suddenly dissapear even though they are in the correct vst folder. (rechecking previously failed plugins didn’t work either in this instance). Maybe I removed something important accidently while cleaning up text files from my hd.
Just tested the old versions: The earlier version of the bundle indeed seems to have a problem with Renoise 2.0. I am not yet sure why this happens, so I’ll contact the Nomad developers and ask them for help. Sorry, thats all I can do for now. The DLLs simply won’t load, thats all we can see here…