Instead of using Interpolate linear and similar commands to fade between two commands, how about if Renoise performs a smooth fade (non-discrete) so that there are no ‘jumps’ for each line.
One can let Renoise know that you want a fade by sticking 9 (or some other number) before the effect (as shown below with the “9C00” bit). The example below fades from C80 to C00 (half volume to zero):
The triangle type shape is just there to show that a smooth fade is taking place and doesn’t necessarily represent the value increasing/decreasing (though that would be a nice extra too, and the whole graphical-representation-next-to-notes thing has already been mentioned in this forum I think).
It would kill multiple birds with one stone. It would allow smooth fading using effect commands, simplify the look of the display, and would also allow use of certain commands (such as volume) for VST instruments more easily. It’s so good that it must be on the wishlist already (?). I don’t know, perhaps there are even more efficient ways of going about the same thing, but I can’t think of what they might be…
Perhaps you should consider using the LFO device instead? It has a higher resolution (even more when using custom envelopes). I think it would overcome most of what you’re describing, although it’s not a pattern command.
I like this idea. It’s pretty much what the automation is doing though. Maybe it’s feasible to let the automation envelopes “show through” in patterns?
I think one of the points with the pattern command, though, is that automation isn’t available for pattern commands such as 09xx. It’s definitely an interesting thought.
The disadvatage with automation is that selecting the notes won’t also select the automation. This can be fixed, but using up the effect space in the main pattern area is at once saving space, more intuitive and more powerful (e.g. you can select/edit certain envelopes and not others, all at once).
It’s also quicker to enter 9c00 (or [whatever]c00) to smoothly fade an effect, than to manually draw a line representing the same fade. It’s more true to the tracking ideal Of course, the line can show up next to the notes anyway (or you could draw it in to begin with), so you have the best of both worlds - easy for beginners, ultra-efficient for experts.
Jackpot That’s how it should have been done to start with really, in conjunction with the effect data column. This way, you can select either the note data or the effect data (or both). Of course the other advantage is that you can view envelope info for all tracks simultaneously.
I know for sure the idea of having graphical representation next to the notes was discussed on the MED forums at some point (thus the never-ending wait for PC MED V2). What I’m suggesting is very similar to that original idea, but I’m suggesting to combine the effect data with the graphic envelope to save space. And also of course the idea of automaticallly fading from the last effect to the current effect if 9 (or some other character) is put before xxx. The graphic envelope between the two effect commands would update accordingly.
A few problems. First is that it continually repeats, even when the tune is not playing (This can be useful, but not always). Second, it won’t support all the in-built effects such as pitch changing. Third you lose the graphical representation next to the notes as mentioned earlier.
I can disregard your first issue a bit:
The LFO can be silenced using the effect On/Off trigger.
Not being able to stop is not the real issue for most, but not everybody knows the LFO can be restarted from a different offset in the waveform, so you can as well use the “Reset” effect column parameter and retrigger the startingposition of the LFO practically on any point of the 256 possible positions in the window you desire.
This is indeed great!
With this tip and a little effort you could reconstruct fast controller movements.
But I miss a control for the pitchbend of a synth. Is there a way to chose the Pitchbend (91 command) as Destination? (Pitchbend does not have a CC Number as far as I know)
I will jump a hole in the air myself the day this gets implemented in any possible type of automation.
But since i’m not jumping, you can figure out the current answer to your question.
Thank you, good to hear you are working on this
As workaround I have programmed a pitch-bend by myself and layed it on the modwheel controller with the mod-matrix of my synth. But this works only for synths with mod-matrix.
But then I found out another restriction: When I set the Amplitude to 100% and Offset to 50%, the full range (0-127) of the destination value is affected and the note starts with pitch of +50%. Works as expected, ok.
But when I set offset to 0 and keep the Amplitude to 100%, the destination value goes only from 0 to 64, not from 0 to 128!
Do I miss something or is it not possible to have a full range from 0 to 128 without offset of 50%? Is this behaviour intended or would not it better to have a full value-range when setting Amplitude to 100% and offset to 0?
edit: I have drawn a linear line from 0 to 100% in the lfo-editor.
Yes I suggested something just like this a few month back. Another advantage would be that if you move any of the effects the interpolation would follow.
The only disadvantage is that you can have more effects automated in the automation window. But thats not really an issue or excuse for not implementing it…
Not me, Taktik does all the work. I just blackmail him with whatever i can find to make sure he implements what i want
This has got to do with the parameter effect value that you can send to the LFO which is Hex:FF and is decimal 255. 0-255 Are 256 values, since you also need to be able to more or less send a “negative” value, 256 / 2 is 127 so you can either make it go +0 to +127 or 0 to -127. (hence the offset to change the “flatline”)