Non Global Ticks Per Line?

I wonder if it could be possible to get a pattern effect that changes the ticks per line setting only in the track where you put it?
I like t keep the global one too, but sometmes i want to change the ticks in, let’s say the arpeggiate effect, in a single track without changing all the other effects in the pattern at the same time.
Any chance we might see something like that in a future release of Renoise?


although this would be much useful in some circumstances, I bet it would be really difficult to implement it, as the sound engine in Renoise is wired with song-based tick level

I was afraid of that, but i had to ask. :)

Ticks are just a line division structure. You could up the amount of ticks in the song properties so that you had enough division resolution to achieve ‘non-aligned’ placements between different tracks. And then there’s the delay column which has 127 divisions. And there’s always render-section-to-sample if you want a fast arp section to be within slower arp sections. ?

I’m not sure the sound engine as such is. It might well of been, back in the days everything was tightly tied to the Speed setting. I also know it does still a bigger part than may be realised, such as I believe Meta Devices and maybe automation are updated at the Tick rate, rather than say 1/256th of a line like the Delay column. But I don’t see this making it an impossibility to have tracks processing this data at different rates, and mild use may not even be too much extra overheads.

Could get complicated though! ;)

Maybe this could be elegant dashingly solved by implement a zoomable-pattern-feature. In my opinion if the pattern is internally endless zoomable, you could zoom in or out as you like, with shift+scrollwheel for example.

… subticks … microticks … nanoticks … ? or something? cool.

Damnit, we need Plank resolution! :P

/2 would also be okay. ;)

Sounds like a good idea, but i don’t think it really solves the problems i’m concrned about with the global ticks per line.
A track based ticks per line effect that makes the track unaffected by the global ticks per line, or alternaively substracted/added, like “add/substract TPL from global in track” would be a good solution for my use. :)

Yes, ticks are just line division, but the point is that most pattern effects are based on the ticks per line, and some effects sounds better at many divisions while others work better with few divisions. Like for instance glide vs. arpeggiate, try to make a smooth glide and a slow arpeggio at the same time.
The render to sample feature is a possible sollution, but i really would prefer to have it all in an easily editable state. I’m a one-shot sample guy. :D