Noob Question About Latency Problem (guitarist Here)

hi this is not really about renoise, but i still need your help

so im a guitarist and of course i have a 1 second latency when i plug my guitar into my mic input plug… in audacity, ableton, renoise and everything…

so i bought a cheap jack to usb cable hoping that would get rid of the latency, but it didnt.

so now im looking at something like this

will it get rid of this f***ing latency problem ?

im getting desperate here

(btw im playing speed metal guitar over speed amen breakcore + girl shouting in austrian slang)

thanx for any answers

which soundcard do you have?

if applicable, are you using ASIO drivers?

if so, how are they configured?

well at the moment i’m using a really old HP laptop (2002) with it’s original sound card (not sure what it is) and i’m probably getting a new laptop in a not to distant future

so maybe i need a external sound card hm ?

when it comes to live recording, using ASIO capable soundcard, at least under Windows and Mac, is fundamental. You should really go for it…

ok asio = Audio Stream Input/Output

thank you thank you i’m getting wiser by the minute

The more powerful your machine the lower you can get that latency too.

Are you using outboard effects/amp.colour or DIing and using VSTs for your sound? If you are using external stuff you might need to set up a ‘direct monitoring’ routing so you can hear your performance real-time and then later compensate for latency in the recording by cutting it out at the start.

We really need a workflow diagram for audio recorders…

This is great for some cards that don’t have asio drivers, I discovered by turning off the input and tweaking a bit and reading the manual for tips on this, i was able to get my latency down to 5ms with a full song going, so happy.

That shall not work for an old HP Omnibook i guess.