There is a music paper here in Sweden called Studio, which made a review of Renoise not very long ago. Anyone but me who read it?
yup! I read it… It wasn’t that good imo… felt like the guy didn’t try it out thoroughly and there were several faulty statements concerning some features.
(-sakfel- som vi säger…)
but, what do I know, Im partial… I like renoise, Im already Renoised, Im a tracker at heart and I don’t fancy CuBase and the likes very much…
Im not sure if the guy ever tried a Tracker before but in the case he never did,
I must say, the review was okey(-ish)
Eventhough he said that some things could not be done, which can be done, it scored quite good.
Yes, I agree with you guys. The review didn’t felt fair somehow, but he wrote a short notice about the upcoming version, which was good I think. Anyway, the overall score turned out 8/10
Anyone interested in reading it in english? Maybe the creators? I could translate it.
i’d like to read it.
are there pics?
I would love to read it in english !
I you can translate it I’d be eternally grateful
Is it online somewhere? Being Norwegian, Swedish is hardly a challenge for me to read
Renoise is not yet a naked woman you know
But who knows, you just may find a new icon… (edit: like i did recently)
Yeah. The only picture in the article showed an empty pattern and no instruments loaded… It’s like the guy spent 5 minutes reading the feature list and 15 minutes clicking on the different buttons…
Don’t know if it’s online somewhere, but to those who wish to read it in english I have spent an hour or so to fulfil that wish