Hi there, is it possible to assign ‘Play From Cursor’ and ‘Stop’ to only one key?
Pause/Continue should do similar?
Yes, but it continues where the pattern stopped instead of where the cursor was placed.
I see, in which case I have to answer I am unsure. If not, it would be a worthy addition.
Maybe someone else can enlighten here?
this could be done using the script feature:
Renoise scripting API gives you the ability to play the song from a specific line and to stop it:
also, it can tell you if the song is already playing:
-> [boolean]
you can create a script with a single function which stops the song if it is playing, otherwise plays it from the current line. then, you can bind the function to a new shortcut.
Renoise installation has a “Scripts” subfolder which has Documentation and Tools. In the second folder, there is also an example tool: open main.lua and look for “key bindings” to have an example of how binding a function to a shortcut:
renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
name = "Global:Tools:Example Script Shortcut" --<<< this is the path of your shortcut in the application menu,
invoke = function()
play_or_stop() --<<<this is the name of your function></this> end