Online Music Promotion/what Do You Think Of Bandcamp?


I’m about to release my second (physical) made-with-renoise CD, and am starting to think about ways to promote the music online. I’m not gonna get rich of this, I know, but I spend time and money creating the music, and I really think the product is worth actual money.

Anyways, I created a bandcamp site, since that seems to open possibilities for “fans” to pay for the download and I seems to be able to control this in a quite a lot of detail.

My questions are: Any experiences with bandcamp would be greatly appreciated! Do you allow free downloads, and if so are you making any money? How about as a “customer”, do you like bandcamp, how many are doing the i-leave-when-i-see-a-flash-player-dance? Did you ever buy anything there? Did you ever pay more than the minimum, also if the minimum was $0?